Omar Fink
Future Pathways
Published in
2 min readAug 5, 2024


SUMMARY OF: II -Mighty Works and Wonders, Chap11 -Not Enough, section 38

“STAR OF EPIPHANY” — by Omar Fink 2019

[this is a series of summaries extracted from the novel]

The passage begins with a quote from Calvin Coolidge emphasizing the importance of persistence over talent, genius, or education.

Lee Martin’s Report from Habitat-34 — Lee is reporting from a new habitat ring in near-Earth orbit. The habitat will move towards Mars over the next year. Most inhabitants will likely end up living in the asteroid belt. A diagram shows the inner Solar System, including Earth, Mars, Jupiter, and the asteroid belt. Nabith Mehra, an 18-year-old math prodigy, developed a tool to optimize habitat and people flow into space. Contrary to popular fiction, asteroids are far apart and rarely visible simultaneously. Gravitational forces, mainly from Jupiter, have influenced asteroid placement over time. Kirkwood Gaps are explained as areas in the asteroid belt with fewer objects. The “frost line” at about 2.7 AU is described as the distance where volatiles freeze in space. Concerns about Space Migration: despite progress (200 elevators, 10+ million people moving to space monthly, 30+ habitat rings), there are worries about not moving fast enough. Rumors of a potential lottery system to decide who leaves Earth are mentioned.

Gitane Levesque’s Report from Geneva — Expresses concern about the possibility of not evacuating everyone before Earth’s destruction. Questions who will decide who stays and who goes if the evacuation is incomplete. Mentions rumors of a lottery system.

Billy Street’s Experience on Habitat-34 — Describes using an elevator with varying gravity levels. Visits “The Mojo and Hoodoo Conjuring Company,” a shop selling various mystical and costume items. Learns that most items are 3D printed on the habitat based on scans from Earth. Buys juggling balls and demonstrates juggling in the lower gravity environment. Begins teaching children how to juggle.



Omar Fink
Future Pathways

Science Fiction author, living in Georgetown, TX, just north of Austin. I'm a retired, seventy something years old techie/computer/science geek.