Omar Fink
Future Pathways
Published in
1 min readJul 24, 2024


SUMMARY OF: II -Mighty Works and Wonders, Chap9 -First Angels, section 33

“STAR OF EPIPHANY” — by Omar Fink 2019

[this is a series of summaries extracted from the novel]

Zorba Omega and Billy Street meet with Tony Azaria and Peter Anderson at AGT headquarters in Zurich, Switzerland. They discuss the TYCHE AI system, its capabilities, and potential expansion of its objectives. TYCHE provides a status report on space elevator operations and human migration to space habitats. Zorba proposes using TYCHE to investigate the disappearance of Michael O’Donnell and his AI, MANN. TYCHE calculates the probabilities of finding conclusive results in this investigation. Zorba agrees to fund the project in exchange for exclusive rights to the information for one year.

A meeting is held to discuss countering “The Resistance,” a terrorist group opposing Humanity United (HU). Attendees include Bill Decker, Sam Hoffman, Billy Street, Zorba Omega, and a hacker known as “Muffled Edge” (ME). They discuss strategies to infiltrate and counter The Resistance’s online operations and propaganda. ME explains the hacking methodology they’ll use to penetrate The Resistance’s networks. Sam Hoffman is tasked with developing a counter-propaganda strategy.

The TYCHE AI system composes a journal entry discusses the development of its avatar presentation. TYCHE has created a variety of photo-realistic human forms for its avatar. It decides to use a female persona, citing potential advantages in human interactions. The chosen avatar will have average features and a mixed racial/ethnic composition.



Omar Fink
Future Pathways

Science Fiction author, living in Georgetown, TX, just north of Austin. I'm a retired, seventy something years old techie/computer/science geek.