Can a Vedic astrologer answer questions regarding concerns of marriage?

Future Point India
Published in
3 min readJul 9, 2020

An individual on the threshold of marriage has various questions on his mind regarding timing of marriage or wanting to know if he will have a love or arranged marriage. Looking at the marriage horoscope, the astrologer can give you an entire picture of your entire life right from birth to death including career, marriage etc.

The horoscope reading would be accurate only if we give the astrologer the exact date of birth, time of birth and the location. Let’s have a proper reading of the birth horoscope for Marriage done through our expert astrologers.

To get timing of marriage, astrologer needs to study the following:

  • Here we need to study the VimsottariDasha along with Charadasha.
  • The 7th House Lord and Navamsa, the planets positioned in the 7th House of ascendant or Navamsa chart, the2nd and 11th Lord couldlead to marriage during their Dasha and Antardasha
  • The transit of Jupiter and Saturn also needs to be studied in the horoscope.
  • Venus and Rahu could culminate in marriage in their Dasha and Antardasha irrespective of their Lordship or position

Let’s check our Marriage timing with astrology

Also Read: How Vedic Astrology can solve the problem of Delay in Marriages?

Will I have a love or arranged marriage?

  • This is something very simple to understand from the study of the horoscope. If the 5th House Lord and the 7th House Lord are in conjunction with each other, it definitely will give a love marriage.
  • If Venus, the planet of Love is conjoined or in aspect with Saturn or Mars, then the individual definitely has a love marriage.

Get detailed consultation done with expert astrologers

Can astrology tell me about my marriage compatibility?

  • Kundali matching is done mainly on basis of one of the main factors known as Ashtakoota Guna Milan system in which 8 factors are matched in both the horoscopes.
  • Each of the 8 factors or Gunas are matched and given certain points. The eight factors are Varna Koota, VasyaKoota, Tara Koota, Yoni Koota, GrahaMaitriKoota, GanaKoota, RashiKoota and NadiKoota.
  • A minimum of 18 Gunas need to match out of 36 Gunas to say that the two horoscopes are compatible.
  • The main factor analysed for compatibility of the partners is the GrahaMaitriKoota and it is given a total of 5 points.
  • ManglikDosha, GanaDosha, BhakootDosha, NadiDosha can give incompatibility in marriage.

For knowing the compatibility level with the partner, get detailed Kundali analysis done.

Get Free Kundli Matching Report

Let’s study the Reasons for delay and denial in marriage

  • The late marriage as per Vedic astrology may take place if there is a malefic influence to the 7th house, its Lord, and Venus.
  • There is a delay in marriage when the 7th lord or marriage lord is retrograded and the Mars is positioned in the 8th house.
  • When both 7th lord and Saturn areakarak and conjoined together, it delays
  • When the Moon is conjoined with Rahu in the 7th house and the 7th lord is debilitated, then there will be many obstacles and marriage may be delayed.
  • If 7th house, its lord, and Venus are not strong, or under severe malefic influences then also marriage is denied as per astrology.
  • A strong influence of Saturn on Moon, especially if the Moon is weak gives a delayed marriage or marriage may not take place.

Get an astrological reading done to know delay and denial of marriage

Why does second marriage occur?

  • If the 9th house Lord is positioned in the 7th house, second marriage is possible.
  • The conjunction of Mars and Venus in the 7th house of 9th house also indicates remarriage after divorce.
  • If theLord of the 7th house or theLord of the 9th house is Vargottama, there will be a possibility of second marriage.
  • If the Lord of the 7th house is in a dual sign and it should be noted that Dasha-Antardasha support the second marriage astrology.

Lets’ find out if second marriage is present in your horoscope

If there are certain problems predicted in marriage, then astrological remedies are there to negate the Doshas.

Surely, astrology gets us interested in knowing more about marriage concerns. Do consult our expert astrologers.



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