Online Astrology — Trend or Accurate

Future Point India
Published in
3 min readDec 21, 2020

In the modern world when everything is digital right from shopping to doctor’s consultation to education then why not astrology consultation? In the past, for consultation with the astrologer one had to go down to their office and meet but now with the changing times one can consult an astrologer from the comfort of their home. Mostly all famous and renowned astrologers have started their online portals for consultation which makes things very easy and opens the market worldwide.

Earlier one would hear of a famous astrologer visiting your town and people would run to get an appointment from him/her. I specifically remember my father was a fan of Shankuntla Devi who was very popular in the 80’s in India. Whenever she would visit our town, my father would rush to take an appointment with her but always got late from work.

Also Read: Importance of Horoscope Matching

It was once when we were on a holiday to Agra and she was staying at our hotel when he finally got a chance to meet and consult her. That experience was surreal as she certainly had a great personality. However now with internet at our fingertips, the whole world can meet any astrologer virtually and ask any questions about their Kundli online.

Now the question that comes to our mind is certainly that how do we know which astrologer is good. We usually get to know about the best astrologers through word of mouth or through their books or articles. Seeing a web page certainly doesn’t give much of an idea. There are three main issues that people face with online astrology-

  1. Trust — how can you trust the astrologer on phone? How can one be sure if the person sitting on the other side has done a proper astrology course or not?
  2. Fraud — the fear of fraud in terms of the payment channel?
  3. Privacy — if there is enough privacy in your consultation?

To overcome these issues and fears one should go in for a known name in the market. Not just click on any astrologer but the best astrologers in India who will guide you well and help you come out of your crisis. Reading reviews on their website also gives you an idea about the accuracy of their predictions.

Usually software’s and apps also give automated predictions based on your dasha currently and the transits, however those are very general and not at all accurate. It is only when a good astrologer analyses your chart and gives predictions will you find them accurate.

Get Detailed Kundli Predictions with Brihat Kundli Phal

There are also many benefits of astrology consultations online -

  1. Safety — in this unprecedented time of covid 19, it’s the safest way to talk to your astrologer without the fear of getting infected. There is no exposure and no risk.
  2. Trust — only go in for a renowned name and check their qualifications. One can then easily trust such an astrologer.
  3. Consultation from the comfort of your home.
  4. Time saving and non-expensive — you do not waste time travelling and they specify their charges first so you know there are no hidden costs.
  5. Accuracy — there is a lot of accuracy in the online Kundli’s as the softwares are pretty up to date.
  6. Face to face interaction — with apps like zoom & whatsapp video call one can sit face to face virtually and comfortably ask questions.

Hence, online consultation with a good astrologer is always a good idea as there is hardly any difference in virtual and real meeting. However choose the best astrologer on whom you can bet your money on.



Future Point India

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