What is color therapy in astrology?

Future Point India
Published in
2 min readAug 7, 2020

As anyone is aware of the bod encompasses seven chakras that ar the most energy points within the body. The seven chakras correspond to every color of the spectrum. The seven chakras ar Muladhara, Svadhishthana, Manipura, Anahata, Vishuddha, Ajna, and Sahasrara chakra.

The chakra corresponds to the seven colours of the VIBGYOR. By reverberative energy victimisation these shades within the chakra body ailments will be cured. Best astrologer in India is capable of doing this by making a balance within the body by stimulating the chakras.

The relationship between a color and a chakra:

Each color corresponds to chakra. It stimulates every chakra and redistributes energy and brings out a balance. This balance cures any disorder within the body that is thought as color medical care. This can be conjointly referred to as a crystal medical care

The crown chakra: The Sahasrara chakra is usually referred to as the crown chakra that is settled at the highest of the pinnacle. This corresponds to data and divinity. This chakra responds and is excited by red color.

Third eye chakra: The Ajna chakra is found within the forehead and corresponds to spirituality. This chakra is accountable for knowledge and intuition. The chakra responds to indigo.

The throat chakra: The Vishuddha chakra is concerned within the communication and judgment of someone. It settled within the neck and is connected to the neck, shoulders, and ears. This chakra is excited by blue.

The heart chakra: this can be conjointly referred to as the Anahata chakra that is found at the guts. It instills peace and harmony during a person. This chakra is excited by inexperienced color and might cure plenty of issues like heartache, and loss of emotions.

The abdominal nerve plexus chakra: The Manipura chakra is found higher than the armed service is accountable for digestion and connected method. This chakra responds to yellow.

The sacral chakra: The Svadhisthana chakra is found between the armed service and also the medulla spinalis tip of someone. It influences the circulatory and fruitful systems. Energy imbalance during this chakra leads to sexual defects and OCD. This chakra is excited by orange color.

The base chakra: The Muladhara chakra is found close to the plexus coccygeus. It’s conjointly referred to as the foundation chakra. It’s related to the discharge system. This chakra responds to red color so is additionally referred to as the red pot.

A best astrologer in Delhi is practiced to be knowledgeable color expert to treat individuals with color objects like candles, lamps, glass prisms, or crystal.



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