Your health prospects in 2020

Future Point India
Published in
4 min readJul 9, 2020

If you are healthy in body as well as mind, you can plan your future. Health astrology which is a part of Vedic astrology lets us know in advance about health problems which might arise. Due to Health astrology we are able to take precautions so that there will not be many complications on the health front.

Let’s take a sneak-peek into the planetary positions and the key transits that will define the health status of the 12 moon signs, in the year 2020.


At the beginning of the year 2020, the Lord of the Moon sign is placed in your 8th House which is its own sign to give inner strength to fight away any health issues. Stress could create an adverse effect on the health of the Aries individual. It is very important to keep a healthy body as well as mind during this period.


Venus will be positioned in the 6th House which is the house of diseases in the New Year 2020 so you need to take some level of caution in general of your health needs. The Taurus individual should make use of the health care mantra ‘Prevention is better than cure’.Make sure to avoid eating too much and follow a healthy diet regime that will steer you clear from health issues.


The Gemini Health Horoscope 2020 focuses more on health care. This year it is advised to keep a close check on overall health and wellbeing. Certain general health issues may surface periodically throughout the year. Individuals with Gemini as moon sign should take proper precautions to ensure a better and healthier life.

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The New Year 2020 will begin with a rough beginning for the Cancer individuals say the Health Horoscope prediction for 2020. As the year comes to a close, things will improve on the health front. The mind has to be kept healthy to have good physical health. This will also help in speedy recovery of any major health problems. It is advised to practise meditation, do yoga, brisk walk and have good dietary habits to keep away from any major health issues this year. Be careful of injuries.


The individuals having Leo Moon sign can look forward to favourable changes in their health and lifestyle this year predicts 2020 health astrology. This will motivate you to take more care of the overall wellbeing of the health and will make you commit to a regular health regime. Make sure to take care of your health as an old illness may re-visit you. Also avoid using home remedies as good as they may sound.


The Health Horoscope analysis 2020 predicts good health mostly with only a few minor health ailments coming up occasionally. Keep fit with meditation, yoga and regular exercise to keep away a lot of health issues. Visit your physician immediately if you develop any respiratory issues.


The Libra Health Horoscope 2020 predicts that in general the health of Libra Moon signs individuals will be good. There may be minor health issues like cold and minor fever. If there are any health issues this year, they are due to your own negligence.

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The Health Horoscope 2020 for Scorpio moon sign predicts a good health spell during the year.The Scorpio Health Horoscope 2020 says that the planetary positions of this year indicate that the immune system is all set to improve this year.


The Health Horoscope 2020 predicts that their healthcare needs will be largely guarded by the placement and movement of Saturn and Jupiter in their birth chart and the state of their moon sign lord. The planet Jupiter being weak in the 6th House indicates minor health issues which will be solved with a visit to the physician. No major health issue are predicted this year.


The Capricorn Health Horoscope 2020 shows the presence of two major planets in your sign which brings in immense positivity. At the beginning of the year, vitality may be a little low but on the whole general health will be good. No major health issues seen this year except for a minor flu attack. Have less sugar and follow a restricted diet is what is advised in the Health Horoscope for this year.


The Health Horoscope 2020 for the Aquarius Moon Sign individual indicates the planetary positions at the beginning of the year regarding to health keep fluctuating. You may suffer from common cold and cough frequently yet it will be easy to manage this minor health issue comfortably. As the individual will focus more on monetary gains, he may tend to neglect his health in the process.


The Health Horoscope 2020 predicts that you may have to keep a check on the mental health. No major health issues will bother you this year but the common cold can give you trouble. Take proper medication to keep things in control.

On the whole, health wise the New Year 2020 is a mixed year for all zodiac signs as per Moon sign and it is best to follow a proper diet regime and take precautionary measures throughout the year.

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