7 Step Parental Posting Guide

Greg Doscher
Future Proof A.I.
Published in
2 min readJul 7, 2020

Our children are adorable little creatures and we want nothing more than to share the joy they bring us with the people we love, but we need to be extremely cautious when putting anything related to them in the public domain. We also want to be mindful that we’re making a choice on behalf of someone who relies completely on your for their safety and protection. Here’s a quick 7 step guide of things to consider before posting anything related to your children online:

  1. Don’t share photos and videos that contain personal details, such as full names, personal contact information, or uniforms that identify location
  2. Never post any revealing or nude pictures of your children.
  3. Never add comments to photos that identify locations; for example street address, school name, or even identifying features in front of your home.
  4. Grandparents/extended family/etc. will want to see pictures so consider setting up a Shared Album through Apple and only invite people you trust as opposed to posting to your regular socials. Or be old school and mail developed pictures of them from time to time that can be framed.
  5. Ensure that you have checked with other parents before posting and sharing images that include their children.
  6. Be mindful of metadata — most digital photos contain information about the time, date and GPS coordinates of where the photo was taken.
  7. Never post any embarrassing/humiliating pictures of your child as that could lead to bullying later in life if they are found. Nothing posted to the internet can never be completely deleted or erased.

As parents we have an incredible responsibility to our little ones who rely on us to keep them safe. If you keep these simple steps in mind, you’ll be able and empowered to do just that.

Little paw

