Alex Chmaj
Future Proof Productions
3 min readFeb 9, 2021


In 2020 we set a goal for ourselves as a company: we would only make announcements or release a thing when it was DONE. And we kind of almost did that for this project.

PSweet was finished late last year, and we decided to take a bit of extra time for some QC, QA, TLC, and-most importantly — QED. After a bit of fiddling here and some punctuation there:

It is my honor to announce that PSweet — our first video game — has been completed.

Game. go. burr!

Paulbert Lives!

You can get it on right now!

Steam will be following up in the next few weeks or so, but for those of you anxiously waiting to see what we have wrought, it’s here! The Day is upon us!

Experience a full 4–8 hour game set in the LUX-verse! Develop relationships with your office suite! Fight a ghost in a Sword Fight! Update your software! Attack and Dethrone God! 71,521 words! 138 menus! 420 images! 28 screens! All this and more can be yours with PSweet!

I would like to extend a supreme Thank You and congratulations to everybody who worked on the project this far.

To list them all here would turn this into an article instead of a post, so to keep things simple I’ll just say get to the end of the game and enjoy the credits!

Now that the dust has settled, and the code has had some time to cool outside of the oven, we’re taking a long and much-deserved break.

When we get back in the next couple weeks, there will be plenty of BTS, pomp, and promotional material to release on this project along with all sorts of things to announce on the future of Future Proof.

For now, thanks again to everybody who helped make this possible, thanks to all of you for rooting for us through thick and thin, and enjoy the most earnest, genuine, and funny thing we’ve made yet!

(Obligatory repost of store link:

