How Nature, Meditation and Dogs Provided Me the Greatest Tools for My Future Readiness.

Richard Karlsson
Published in
8 min readOct 3, 2015
Photo by Pär Kassberg, peacefuld dogs

There is a strong wave emerging our planet in this time, delivering methods on how to organize our own thoughts and being, to finally transform our mind into more salubrious objectives and creative landscapes, this phenomena is called in the mainstream; mindfullness.

I find another aspect — or method -also to be crucial if I want to learn more about the complexity of human life, the phenomenology of self awareness more deeply, to become future ready and healer of homeland earth; heartfullness.

For me, to stay fit for the future, it is crucial I care for myself and do stuff I enjoy and love to do the most — to befriend my vocation. In this article I will give you my three most obvious contributor spheres for my “future workout”.


Living, engaging and caring for twenty-four siberian huskies in a pristine river valley in the subarctic has, for me, become the most transformative impact journey imaginable. The most obvious thing with the Dogs are their absence of presence — time frame, yet intimate stewardship for the task, how they by instinct and deep intuition learn me to observe patterns on how to reach them. This has helped me to expand my own intuition and visionary eye.

For me the Dogs are heartfullness embodied. Transformative team play in repetitive movement from a Dog team pulling the sled through the endless white is undisputedly breathtaking and it fills my heart with so much gratitude, awe and love for the process. The Dogs equal dignity, carriers of a legacy beyond worlds which for me becomes an asset to envision and design my own future world. They granted me the time and a highway to reflect on myself, with their unique power and authentic core this escalated rapidly.

“I am just building an ark of somethingness, that happens to be Dogs, something that allows my soul to surge and endure through my hectic murmur of creativity and entourage for future means. In my world, all the intense hours I spend with my team is a time of self awareness and deep meditative state of belonging. I have never felt the same way with other passions or creative expression I’ve had through the years, and I have a theory on why this is. At the same time as I am creating an archetype Dog, are the very same Dogs creating an archetype me. This is passion in symbiosis play, the construct of something for something, the qvid pro qvo of collaboration or higher aspects of dwelling.”

This was from last winter when I was guiding a family from England whose experiences with animals was deeply rooted inside of them. They wanted to know how I had built up my connection with so many unique personalities.


While others go left, following the well worn and proven path, the adventurer me go right. With influenced perspectives I write my own rules aligned with the forces of nature which are pure, well known, silent, rooted, ecosexual, breathing … aloneness.

As an adventurer, I fulfill my mission by obsessive passion to the experience and excessive exercise, by exploring the fluctuate and vast environment I happen to operate in. I rewrite the story and don’t follow a clear path, or how Ralph Waldo Emerson would´ve expressed it; “I simply go where there are no path and instead leave a trail along my way”, or I light future candles along my journey or to put it from another perspective; through epic adventures I can expand my imagination sphere as a future creationist.

Everything I do is part of an adventure, from thought to action via communication, navigated with an adventurer spirit and isolated in a ‘borderland excelsis’. The same way goes with my obsession in manifesting a greater world, a world worthy new discoveries by and for greater beings.

Self discipline and to self organize;

It is crucial if I want to manage through and toward adventures, big changes or improvements of any kind, I need to learn who and what I am in new ways, ways I have never seen before and I need to feel safe in my uncertainty, my breakable limits while wandering any alienated landscape of very often vulnerable character. The harshest storms from winter can be the trope that change my view on the world and my belonging in it.

I have spent awful lot of time with my team of dogs in the arctic, out on harsh expeditions in environment few would dream on spending more than a couple of hours in. This is what drives me, to seek the core of my undisputedly human limits, the fringes of what I can handle and my ability to view my event horizon from a different clarity perspective of what I am and subsequently what others might be too. I am not saying it is impressive what I do, but it is my way on building authenticity within myself more strongly and finally broaden the canvas of life which becomes a template for the future ready me. Also by collaborating with nature in such intimate ways means I acknowledge a give and receive relationship us between, I change the view on planet as my mother to become my lover, something to love and care for, not to take advantage of or conquer.

To convey and share what I am doing to clients and guests from all over the world, create an intimate and powerful narrative, interlaced memes together through profound experience, is a true reward for me.


I could probably write a book on this subject, perhaps I will later. There are three ways for me to exercise meditation on.

Focused meditation (primal); how my awareness on my breathing catalysts the function of my body. Drift of thoughts.

Spontaneous meditation (secondary); monotone activities alone as in standing on the runners behind the dogs on very long expeditions. Oxygene — nature — expansion.

Creative meditation (secondary) ; writing, painting or drawing. Imaginative and innovative.

Meditation is my way to say to myself: “I respect myself and honor my truest self to be in its glory and I love my spiritual salubrity over anything else!” This is my gift towards myself and my way to reload my spiritual artillery and anchor my truest self. With help from meditation I alter equilibrium and embed my experience in harmony and with prosperity for soul growth. Meditation is my tool for self-healing and it function as a defragmentation of my energy vortexes and a discipline to attain inner spaciousness.

We meditate constantly, yet we focus mostly on meaningless things and frequently boring announcements from something that restrict us from a deeper dialogue with who we really are. We become both amused and disturbed from trivial social impacts that distracts us from crack open to expand our perceptive abilities and enrich our map of reality. Therefor it is wise to start observing how we can mediate ourselves into clarity, a clarity that will give nova memes a meaning and fresh purpose in which sets ripples in the plethora for mankind’s future, both on personal level as well as collective. I started to discipline myself around this method, since others wellbeing is important for me as well.

When I intensely listen to my thoughts and observe what impact my thoughts create in the world around me and the reality I succumb to, I can out of pure determination, from self powerfulness, discipline myself around the idea on how to start to map this reality in new orientations. Once I learn how my own mental and emotional language behave, the wounds constantly playing from the akashic records, I can offer myself instructions on how to communicate differently, in more agile ways, both with myself and also with others.

Most important; I do not need to feel guilt or remorse anymore. All I need is to try the best I can, trust my vigor and actually want this change to happen, this elevated shift of spheres as part of a new belonging. The fear consciousness that holds the grip of the world might respond differently than what I expect. The inner nature of myself provides all necessities needed for me to endure, and it is essential I penetrate ‘the winning core’ of my (well)being, learn my mysteries well and unfold drastically.


The dream aspect of life, for me, is to execute things into manifestation that somehow tells me about our human possibilities and values. The ground breaking aspect to know self is to spend intimate time with self, learn the idiom well and to communicate in a prosperous and salubrious way via channels that inspire me to engage in my surroundings and not conquer them. It’s like a soul excavation handing me the greatest treasure there is; myself.

I need my awareness to convey my meaning back to myself before I am ready to embark on futures endeavors. Great adventures can lead to great recognition of oneself and by such elevated events reach districts that keeps my own mysteries well hidden, mysterious aspects of myself that with tremendous impact reveals a tangible epiphany on who and what I am. By getting more synthesized around my role as a self-leading individual, as a conscious being and most prominent loving human, the challenge becomes obvious; to indulge a self-organizing persona that relearn what authentic means, how compassion feels and advocate for the highest empathic wisdom needed.

Gradually when I become more curious and determined about my map of life and how to master it, I can see what is missing and what is needed for our human values to become viable and more reachable, or actually to be reinvented in a more clearer form so we all can feel safe in our uncertainty. How I see it; there are no guarrantees we as collective will get there, there are no timespan telling us when we will become enough future intelligent as loving community but there will always be our forte to know, and we have the opportunity to engage in such mission and assist in getting us forward to shores of possibilities. We need to honor one another, realize there are many roads and rivers to the light and we all have our own way to get there.


Just remember, there are no quick ways to become future ready, there are no shortcuts or magic formulas (or mushrooms). It is a constant and present relation to rapid change. What does it really mean to become ready for something so uncertain in first place?


All there is is my own attention, dedication and focus on becoming more aware of what I am and stay agile in what to become. It is a lifeshow with both glamour and drama, sadness and joy. Perhaps the hardest lesson is to admit the simplest of teachings as true and instill a real selflessness and honesty toward creation. The greatest gift I can give myself is the permission to be real.

I admire the people around me, people from all over the world, whom share a passion and obsession for goodness and love, who dares to bother, who doesn’t ignore what might be seen as an anomaly at first glance, who respect and honor their associates — you are all true inspiration for a planet in need. Many of you work with me on experience level, on spiritual level and also frenetically co-designing on the narrative toward the great transition, a narrative which is deeply pounding in my heart. It is an honor to be part of such culture, such dedication and high performance thinking, to know others are gazing too, at the same beacon, with determination and aim to find home.

Be fleshed, be ethereal.



Richard Karlsson

There are no labels in creation. Meaningfulness; to evaporate the position of being strong or weak, King or Queen and to find without being in need.