Escaping the Past
By backing into the future
We know we have a problem with the truth now. The adage that truth Passes Through Three Stages — first, it is ridiculed, second, it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident — often attributed to Arthur Schopenhauer — is helpful as we are in the violent second stage of the truth of our planetary reality.
We all have had periods when anxiety produces sleepless nights. Many of us have also had times when we felt that stress had pushed us to the brink of insanity. Some of us may have thought we had sometimes slipped across that line.
But our time now is different. One of the benefits of age is that you learn the truth of “this, too, shall pass.” Most things that we fear are not as bad as we think. Even if they are, they, too, will pass.
The problem is usually our acculturated fears and lack of self-confidence. We also must deal with people and groups that threaten to drive us over the edge with their refusal to accept reality, let alone critical changes to achieve our species’ survival. We are now dealing with growing social insanity that is undermining our survival.
Groups that become irrational and threatening are either criminal or religious. Religion is a far more significant problem as it exists outside logic and rational thought. But that has…