3 Tools for Designing A Future You

What do you want to change about yourself in the next 6 weeks?

Tracy Winchell
Future Self Journaling
Apr 12, 2023


Your response is the backbone of a self-messaging program that keeps you focused, captures patterns, and measures progress.

Here’s how to construct your 15-minute daily self-reflection process.

Purposeful Self-Reflection maximizes your journaling program because you’re pre-programming your thoughts, habits, behaviors, and actions.

Customize your 15-minute journaling process by designing your 6-week Future Self.

Self-messaging is a three-part process.

  1. Affirmations encourage or reinforce the behavior, mindset, or habit you have identified for your future self.
  2. Atomic intention is the process of reminding yourself daily of the commitment you have made to yourself.
  3. Daily review is your daily self-accountability partner.

Read this post and more on my Typeshare Social Blog



Tracy Winchell
Future Self Journaling

Designing & becoming my Future Self through written self-reflection. 🖥️ Digital & PKM journaling. 👩🏼‍💻 Ghostwriter. 🚢 Ship 30. 🧠 ADHD over 50.