Signals from Scandinavia

In a world of virtual escapes, will forests be where we remember our roots?

Forest Futures Scenario # 3

Future Signals of Change


In a world of virtual escapes, will forests be where we remember our roots?

The scenario question

This scenario question invites us to consider the role of forests in grounding us and reconnecting us to our origins, even as we increasingly immerse ourselves in digital and virtual realities.

As technology continues to advance and permeate every aspect of our lives, many people are turning to virtual worlds and digital experiences as a means of escape, entertainment, and connection. From social media and video games to virtual reality and augmented reality platforms, these technologies offer us the ability to transcend the limitations of our physical environment and explore new realms of possibility.

Forests as a Grounding Force

This scenario question suggests that even in a world of endless virtual escapes, how might forests act as a vital source of grounding, connection, and memory?

Forests are not only essential to the health and functioning of the planet’s ecosystems, but they also hold a deep cultural and spiritual significance for human communities. They’re places where we can connect with the rhythms and cycles of the natural world, experience a sense of wonder and awe, and feel a profound sense of belonging to something larger than ourselves.

Remembering our Roots

The idea of forests as a place where we “remember our roots” speaks to the ways in which these ecosystems can help us reconnect with our ancestral heritage, our evolutionary history, and our place within the web of life. By spending time in forests, we can tap into a deeper sense of time and continuity, remembering that we are part of a vast and ancient lineage of living beings that have co-evolved with these landscapes over millions of years.

The scenario question also suggests that in a world increasingly dominated by virtual and digital experiences, forests may serve as an essential counterbalance, reminding us of the importance of embodied, sensory, and direct engagement with the natural world. By immersing ourselves in the sights, sounds, smells, and textures of the forest, we can cultivate a deeper sense of presence, mindfulness, and connection to the living world around us.

Balancing Technology with Nature

Ultimately, the question invites us to reflect on the enduring value and significance of forests in a rapidly changing world, and to consider how we might cultivate a more balanced and grounded relationship with technology and nature. It reminds us that even as we explore new virtual frontiers, the roots of our identity, well-being, and resilience may still be found in the ancient and ever-renewing wisdom of the forest.

Forest Futures

The Living Forest | How might we reimagine forest futures?

Scenario # 1 | How might we consider two contrasting yet interconnected possible futures for human-forest relationships?

Scenario # 2 | Can we rewrite our story from conquerors of forests to co-creators with nature?

Scenario # 3 | In a world of virtual escapes, will forests be where we remember our roots?

