“Just Another Day at the Office …”
So the alien grumbled
Augmenter Unit 39 of Brood Chamber 375 (henceforth known as “AU 39/375”) was having a rather bad day. To be fair, there had been a slew of bad days, but nothing beat this bad day.
For starters, the sky was horribly black and sooty thanks to Goddesses know how many nuclear bombs the numbskull humans had blasted at each other. The radioactive soot that had resulted from the devastation had all been lifted by the blasted planet’s (no pun intended) atmospheric pressure into the stratosphere, blocking out the sun and causing temperatures to drop. Winter came early. In bloody July. In the tropics.
The blackened radioactive snow falling down on everything was the cherry on top of an already rotten cake.
“I was looking forward to basking in that lovely yellow sun, what a disappointment,” AU 39/375 said to himself, looking out from the window of his grey-walled office, located at the back end of a starship. “No chance of that now. And I do hate the cold.”
Now, his species, who humbly refer to themselves as the Augmented, did not have vocal cords nor anything resembling a larynx. In other words they did not communicate by sound, rather by sight.
When the Augmented “spoke” to each other, they would extend their thoracic tentacle, a…