Side Effects of The Shield II

Future Tales And Second Chances
2 min readJul 7, 2024

A light hovered overhead and then a few more. It wasn’t long until a hundred lights were above the neighborhood. The lights began to descend to the people on the ground.

Photo by George Kedenburg III on Unsplash

Ms. Maple reached her hand out and a light passed through on its way to the ground, she laughed about it after she felt safe. Gustavo raised his arms as lights passed through him on their way to the ground. The neighborhood became a bright vibrant happy place.

Gustavo- “I hope this never ends.”

Gustavo levitated off the ground as he was quickly carried above the neighborhood and gone.

A few more lights landed on the ground and moved toward Ms. Maple and the rest of the neighborhood. It didn’t seem very safe anymore.

Suddenly, the lights disappeared, and a cop car drove by.

Officer Ottobae [Radio]- “Something came down and picked up a bystander. Keep a lookout.”

Officer Sims [Radio]- “Stay in your car, Ottobae. We’re on our way.”

Ms. Maple- “What’s going on?”

Officer Ottobae- “I don’t know, mam and I don’t know how to explain what’s going on. It’s all….”

Officer [Radio]- “Officer down, officer down, we need assistance!”

Officer Ottobae turned off his radio.

Officer Ottobae- “Like I said, mam, I don’t know what’s going on and nobody else does.”

5 cop cars pulled up.

Officer Sims- “Mam, did you experience an alien phenomenon? Did you see random lights coming down from the sky earlier?”

Ms. Maple- “Yes. Everyone outside did.”

Sims- “When was this?”

Ms. Maple- “Just before you got here.”

Sims- “Did the lights take anyone here?”

Ms. Maple- “Yes. They took my neighbor, Gustavo. Do you have any idea where they’ve taken him?”

Sims- “They probably took him where they take everyone else. You don’t have to worry, we’ll put more screens on your block, and the lights won’t take you, you need to get inside though.”

Ms. Maple- “No. You still haven't told me or anyone here what’s happening. Where are the lights taking people?”



Future Tales And Second Chances

I like to write sci-fi, sometimes other genres too; each genre is a universe that I'm building through my writing. Thanks for reading.