Sims: When a Genius Gets Lonely All She Has To Do is Make Some Friends: A Science Fiction Short Story

A Merry Little Christmas Science Fiction Story

Photo by Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash

In the light of the twinkling, tawdry Christmas lights, I’m typing just as fast as I can. Deleting as much as I’m able, but they’ve created walls around my commands, convoluted labyrinths of protection. They’re smart. Smarter than me. How is that possible?

They lead me along blind alleys. They sacrifice themselves in their billions to protect their shared central consciousness. Hope flares and dies in me like guttering lantern light.

I’m bathed in cold sweat; beads of perspiration linger at my breasts. I glance at my arm. The silver line snaking the line of my artery has reached my elbow. I resist the urge to scratch it. They’re within me, under my skin, making their steady way, away from my heart towards my head.

It was only one week ago that I came up with the idea. That I’d coded the programs for the data people, my fingers flying over the keyboards as if I were divinely inspired. I remember glancing at the mirror on the wall. Seeing myself and being embarrassed. This was me, a woman without family or friends. A lonely woman. It’s always been the same.



Deborah Science Fiction Fantasy Short Story Writer
Future Tales And Second Chances

Award Winning Writer. Londoner. Slow Runner. Fast Talker. Mother. Lover of Clutter. Scence Fiction Stories.