The Tether of Territories IV

Future Tales And Second Chances
2 min readDec 12, 2023

Suran- “No, I will no longer help you expand the Tether of Territories.”

Oswald- “Then, you’ll join your father’s remaining allies.”

A flock of ships flew overhead as Suran was being escorted by the sick mutants of Blankipest. Suran looked up at the sky, for the first time he missed when it wasn’t so gray. Flashbacks of the rebellion flooded his mind. He remembered everything, especially all the bad that he had done. Buildings destroyed by battleships, civilians fired upon by mutants, and his father’s disappointment. Soon, Suran could see a memory of his father.

A Flashback of Sall II- “You must resist tyranny, my son.” Sall II quickly became the ex-political leader during this power struggle for the Glover Colony. Suran remembered when his father fled the Glover Colony, he stood in front of his father’s ship with an overwhelming force. Eventually, the ship overpowered Suran and burnt half of his face before taking off. Although, the ship evaded the colony with serious damage.

The Memory Fades- The sick mutants reached Suran’s holding cell. He remembered it, it’s where he met Oswald. A man with a red eye was already imprisoned in Suran’s cell.

Navafrost- “I haven’t seen you since the rebellion. Is your father still alive?”

Suran-” No.” Suran just stared at Navafrost’s eye.

Navafrost- “Don’t worry, that eye hasn’t killed anyone since before the rebellion. I don’t know what happened. We overthrew tyranny and one day it just returns to the Glover Colony like everything was for nothing. Your father and your father’s father fought Oswald; the sad part is that they overthrew him, but things just ended up going back to the way they were.”



Future Tales And Second Chances

I like to write sci-fi, sometimes other genres too; each genre is a universe that I'm building through my writing. Thanks for reading.