Digital & Tech Trends 2014-2015

Chris Direduryan
1 min readJul 24, 2014

I just made this list as an idea trigger for entrepreneurs. The items are collected based on the articles I read since the beginning of this year. It is just a small list of Digital Trends of 2014 and most probably 2015.

  1. Mobile Payment
  2. Home & Environment Integration — Connected Cars
  3. Wearables
  4. Drones
  5. B2B Services (Enterprise)
  6. The Importance of User Data
  7. Privacy — Local Data
  8. Mobile Gaming
  9. Messaging
  10. Breaking the Rules — Disruptive Ideas, New Economic models, etc.
  11. Creating New Habits
  12. Tech Diet — Using technophobia
  13. Security
  14. Mobile Web
  15. New Ad Models
  16. Education
  17. Cloud Services
  18. Health
  19. Contextual Awareness — Sensing technology



Chris Direduryan

Mobile Product Manager @Paraşüt, Zirve, Mikro, Ex Founder @Mallard Duck Apps, Sci-Fi Lover, Futurist, Tech Geek, Tunesurfer