Black Mirror: Bandersnatch

David Alayón
Future Today
Published in
1 min readDec 28, 2018

TGIF! And since it’s the last Friday of the year, I’m not going to share a short movie but recommend Black Mirror: Bandersnatch, the awaited return of Black Mirror with a special twist: it’s an interactive movie in which viewers will have to choose and make decisions that will affect the development of the plot. Indeed, like the classic ‘Choose your own adventure’. Here’s the trailer:

In 1984, a young programmer begins to question reality as he adapts a sprawling fantasy novel into a video game and soon faces a mind-mangling challenge. Welcome back.

About the adventure, you will always be asked to choose between two options, starting with basic and trivial decisions, and increasing the complexity and impact on the story. One detail is that once you choose a path you won’t be able to go back on your decision. The film has five endings depending on the paths you choose… And I intend to discover all of them :)

Black Mirror: Bandersnatch is now available on Netflix… Do you dare to “experience” it?

#365daysof #scifi #series #blackmirror #futurism #day295



David Alayón
Future Today

Creative Technology Officer & Co-founder @Innuba_es @Mindset_tech · Partner @GuudTV @darwinsnoise · Professor @IEBSchool @DICeducacion · Mentor @ConectorSpain