Earth 2050: A glimpse into the future

David Alayón
Future Today
Published in
1 min readAug 13, 2018

Kaspersky Lab brought together its top experts and futurists to try to imagine future scenarios for the year 2050. To this end, they created the Earth 2050 project, which they presented last year at the Mobile World Congress 2017.

On the project website you can browse the “predictions” made by the Kaspersky team from various countries and with several milestones: 2030, 2040 and 2050. You can navigate through the different scenarios by selecting cities on the globe, and choosing the scenario you want to see. Some apply locally, some nationally, some globally.

Something very interesting is that you can assess whether you agree with that prediction or not, generating a ranking of the most probable predictions and the best futurists. You can also upload your own predictions. There is another ranking, in this case of the graphic artists who have helped to shape the different scenarios.

Just as we saw with ANA, XPrize and their 14C seat or with IKEA and the One Shared House 2030 project, more and more companies are launching initiatives related to trend detection, future scenario projection and detailed artifact creation — very interesting!

#365daysof #futurism #cities #design #day175



David Alayón
Future Today

Creative Technology Officer & Co-founder @Innuba_es @Mindset_tech · Partner @GuudTV @darwinsnoise · Professor @IEBSchool @DICeducacion · Mentor @ConectorSpain