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21 Things I Wish I Had Known When I Was Young.

Dileep Abraham
Future Travel
Published in
4 min readMar 8, 2016


By Dileep Abraham

Whether we like it or not, all of us are getting old day by day. We learn more about life as we get older. But it is always good to understand from who went ahead of us. Here is a list of 21 lessons I thought would be beneficial for all of us, especially the young people out there.

  1. Be Thankful

There are so many people out there who are not fortunate as we are. If we are happy with what we are, be thankful to your parents, siblings and society.

2. Don’t Afraid to Express Your Love

Unexpressed love is the most deepest and painful one. So open up and say it out. You may not get another chance. It may not work out, but you will never regret about it.

3. Don’t Live For Others

Don’t get me wrong! Do not compromise your belief system for someone else’s sake. If you do so, you are cheating yourself.

4. Read A Lot

Reading has not killed anyone. Reading will open up your perspective towards life. Choose great books and invest time, returns will be in ten folds.

5. Travel To Unknown

If you are young, do travel to far off places. Do not hesitate to spend money on travel. Remember life is too short to be in one place.

6. Treat Others With Respect

Everyone deserves respect. Give respect and take respect. Be gentle and nice to others. You will lose nothing, but that shows your character.

7. Own A Dog

I meant to say it. Dogs are the best friend man ever had. You will never find someone as loyal as your dog.

8. Don’t Judge

“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about”.

9. Make Bosom Friends

As young, you may have many friends. But, as you grow older you would understand who really your good friend is. So make good friends.

10. Be A Motivator

Motivate people especially the young. They might need a push or pull. Be the first one to motivate them with your kind words. They will always remember you for your guidance and kind words.

11. Learn To Play An Instrument

There is nothing like paying an instrument. This can help you to establish a fan following especially when you are college. Your kids be jealous about it.

12. Invest In Yourself

There is no better investment than in oneself. Invest in better dress, books, education etc. That makes you a better person in a long run.

13. Take Calculated Risk

We cannot grow in life without taking some risk at some point of life. Do it at the early stages of your life. If you lose, nothing happens. You can recover soon. You can’t make a mistake when you are in 50’s.

14. Learn A Foreign Language

Unlike earlier days, there are plenty of tools available on internet to learn a new language. So there is no excuse for not learning a new language.

15. Plant Trees

Whether you love nature or not, planting trees in a must thing. Plant at least 50 trees like teak, Mahogany etc. and see them growing into an invaluable asset. This is a great gift you can give to your children.

16. Exercise Daily

Don’t be a couch potato. Go out and exercise daily. This helps you a build a strong body with a stable mind.

17. Don’t Speak Unless Necessary

A really important lesson to be followed in life. This will prevent you from many embarrassing situations.

18. Never Ever Lie

Don’t lie, so that you don’t need to remember. Lying does not solve our problem and it may invite more. So let’s abstain from it.

19. Learn To Forgive

Carrying that hatred feeling will not make us a better person. We should learn to forgive and forget. Keep your soul little more light.

20. Accept People As They Are

As you are an individual, everyone else are. Don’t try to shape them up the way you want them to be. Try to accept people as they are.

21. The world does not owe you anything.

Think about it deeply.

Life is a learning process and learning ends only at our death bed. So let’s keep our mindset open to learn something new.

Thanks For Reading.

I am Dileep Abraham, a tour operator from India. I own and operate Green Hope Tourism, a boutique tour operating company.



Dileep Abraham
Future Travel

I am a tour operator based in Kerala, India with a special focus on Kerala Honeymoon packages, Kerala tour packages etc.