48 Hours In Rome

2 min readJan 18, 2016


As I was on my flight back from to the states I picked up one of those magazines in the back of the seat in front of me.The article I was reading talked about traveling through Paris and the author’s experience. What stuck with me was how he described his experience going to the Louvre and other typical tourist attractions. He stated the it reminded him of calling his Grandma. It isn’t always that exciting, but necessary. Even obligatory. This is how I have begun to feel on my recent travels.

I have spent hours walking to attractions, waiting in lines, and then countless hours touring the attraction. Believe me, you can see some pretty cool stuff. But it isn’t anything I haven’t seen online or in books along the way. The true experience comes from walking every city block and digesting what the city has to offer at its core. And with only 2 days to spend in a city you’ll quickly realize how fast time runs out to do what you want. (Here’s a free tip: This is also an easy way to turn a trip into a more relaxed, easy-going time).

My trip to Rome included doing those obligatory attractions: The Vatican, the Sistine Chapel, and the Coliseum. Don’t get me wrong — I could have spent hours at the Coliseum. To think of the history within those walls is really astounding. Arguably my favorite experience from Rome? Sitting atop Capitoline Hill eating cheese, drinking wine, and laying in the sun for an hour. After hours of touring early Sunday afternoon this was the perfect way to break up the day. I gazed into the streets of Rome and watched as cars mercilessly fought for position. All I could see in front of me was the rooftops sprawling the city. A moment in time I could relive over and over again. And the best part? The next 7 hours after that moment were spent merely roaming the streets, drinking beer, and eating a delicious Italian dinner. Exactly how I wanted to spend my last evening in Rome.

Before I knew it — it was Monday morning and time to return home. My brief 45 hours in Rome had expired. I packed my bag and was off to the airport. After a total of 39 hours of traveling in 4 days I was back home on my couch late Monday night. This trip has spurred my desire to travel even more. And to travel the way I want to travel — with no plans, no obligations, and to experience a city the way I want. Check back to my blog next week to see where I’m off to next!


Originally published at www.whoiscurtis.com.

