A free competitor for nomadlist’s Slack

Future Travel
Published in
2 min readFeb 26, 2017

Is there any Digital Nomad who doesn’t know nomadlist.com?

Probably not, but if for some reason you haven’t visited it yet, go and check this out now. It’s a basic tool for every remote worker or digital nomad out there. It allows people browse through a big database of cities to figure out cost of living, weather, safety, internet quality and much more. It also has paid Slack feature which allows nomads around the globe to communicate with each other.

Using Slack channels as a location independent mini-chats is a great idea. Are you in Lisbon? Go to #lisbon channel and ping people out there. Are you in Chiang Mai? #chiangmai is for you. Maybe #london, #bangkok or #prague?

I’m not bothered about getting 75$ a year per user for access to a premium feature. Pieter made a huge work making nomadlist life. It’s totally understandable you need to charge for a product to make it survive. Nobody should argue with that.

Why have I created a free Slack substitution then?

Keeping long story short — I just believe that people should have the ability to communicate without paying money for that. Simple as that. Probably, that’s why Slack and other similar platforms are for free. Why don’t use it as it is? Why don’t use their infrastructure if they give it to us? It’s 2017, constant messaging times, plenty free communicators options, plenty free and massive facebook groups etc. Communication is free and we are used to it. You can talk with friends, family and similar minded people and you won’t be charged for it.

We create an open community by design. Open means not only that everyone can join. More importantly, it means that it’s open for peoples’ ideas and their initiatives.

We have almost 300 members so far and constantly growing.
We share beautiful landscapes to inspire each other.
Everyone is welcome — it doesn’t matter whether you’re already digital nomad or you just want to be and you’re looking for help.

C’mon, you’re welcome. Talk with fellows nomads for free!

Originally published at alldigitalnomads.com/blog on February 27, 2017.

