…are they here or we there?

Diem Jones
Future Travel
Published in
1 min readJun 26, 2017
photo : panorama of Delicate Arch, Utah by Vincent Brady

…do not blink or attempt to adjust your media devices, as there is nothing wrong aside from the wrongs you deem contrary to your soul. We cannot allow outside forces to take control, yet we are programmed to give them access to our “response buttons.”

There is no bigger alien than the opposing side of your intentions, which are often fueled by the urge to buy. They and landed and as they have, so can we…

Let’s take control of our inner winds as to build up the stuff of huff and puff, so we are not blown down or blown away.



Diem Jones
Future Travel

Diem Jones is a poet, musician, multi-media artist, and arts administrator. He is also co-founder and past of E.D. VONA/Voices (VONA) and Murray Gove.