Joan McGrath
Future Travel
Published in
1 min readJan 12, 2016


Being fully honest. Let’s explain Joan in a nutshell…

I refuse to stay in one place for too long. I want to absorb everything this colorful life has to offer.

If you run down the list I have done it all…Sales. Marketing. Hospitality. Accounting. Architecture. Food. Wine. Social Work. Fashion. Art. Music. Management. Teaching. Writing.

That is as much as I can remember…I am a planner…a learner…an absolute risk taker…

I believe I have done many things or made decisions that make people ask, “Why?”

All I can say is, “I am just search for the element that makes me happy.”

In 4 elements: Food. Psychology. Travel. & Saving the World

Each element will be shown…I can bet you are wondering what she mean saving the world. No, I am not Mother Theresa but I am a person would believes in impacting a life one day at a time. If I can do more than one then even better.

Look forward to sharing with you all.



Joan McGrath
Future Travel

Food. Psychology. Travel. Saving the World. (Ms. Indecisive)