CTFD…[calm the frick down]

Diem Jones
Future Travel
Published in
1 min readMar 15, 2018
Image: Rachealgrace Adams

In the ideal world, there would be no 6 o’clock news, but evening conversations throughout the community, around supper tables, living rooms, bed rooms, fire circles and leaning out from windows…up against walls, and more.

In my ideal world, AFIB would come from smelling the roses, thus a testament of appreciation vs. an alarm requiring medication.

In my ideal world, we would walk before we talked, think before we acted, contemplated before becoming constipated and more.

In my ideal world, I would not need an assistive device for walking to have conversations started about the parallel or related disabilities [as if they were war-stories to trade], with people who would otherwise NOT speak to someone with my physical characteristics.

In my ideal world, we would be programmed to first see our points of commonality vs our apparent or inherent differences.

In my ideal world, I would share vs give love…AHA — as I do this now, I claim this slice of life as paradise…

let’s Hug-A-Mug-Of-Joy [HAMOJ]




Diem Jones
Future Travel

Diem Jones is a poet, musician, multi-media artist, and arts administrator. He is also co-founder and past of E.D. VONA/Voices (VONA) and Murray Gove.