I Made The Dark Versions Of These Flags

Future Travel
Published in
3 min readOct 15, 2018
Dark Offensive Flags

So, this is not a typical topic I would write about but when I was cleaning up my mac over the weekend, I stumbled on this old work of mine, created when I was all ambitious and wanted to change the world for good. I decided to give this series the name “Culture, Not Torture” and finally publish them.

Run free, li’l flags!

Culture, Not Torture Offensive Flags
Culture, Not Torture

As a digital nomad, I travel from city to city to learn about different cultures. I am fascinated by how cultures impact the local people but also wish there was a shared value between them, such as basic human and animal rights. Optimism is culture. Racism is not. Enjoying good food is culture. Torturing animals for entertainment is not. In the name of culture, people can easily be blinded. I wish to encourage people to respect and explore different cultures in different countries while question the existing values and take actions to make a change when possible.

Japan / Whaling

Japan / Whaling Flag
Culture, Not Torture (1)

Russia / Homophobic

Russia / Homophobic Flag
Culture, Not Torture (2)

India / Sexism

India / Sexism Flag
Culture, Not Torture (3)

China / Pollution

China / Pollution Flag
Culture, Not Torture (4)

North Korea / Isolation

North Korea / Isolation Flag
Culture, Not Torture (5)

South Korea / Mental Illness

South Korea / Mental Illness Flag
Culture, Not Torture (6)

Yemen / Sexism

Yemen / Sexism Flag
Culture, Not Torture (7)

USA / Racism & Crime

USA / Racism & Crime Flag
Culture, Not Torture (8)

Spain / Animal Cruelty

Spain / Animal Cruelty Flag
Culture, Not Torture (9)

Singapore / Lack of Press Freedom

Singapore / Lack of Press Freedom Flag
Culture, Not Torture (10)

World Health Organization (WHO) / Corruption

World Health Organization (WHO) / Corruption Flag
Culture, Not Torture (11)

Hopefully, there is nothing controversial or offensive about these. Some of the issues listed above are not necessarily in their worst shape in the corresponding countries comparing to the situation in other countries. The statement being some countries should be developed enough to grow out of the obsolete customs.

What these flag means:

The US is one of the most advanced countries but still has a crime rate higher than many developing countries. Another highly developed country, Singapore, still forbids you to write a song about pretty much anything sexual, violent, anti-government, not to mention anything homosexual since it is still a crime being gay in Singapore. Japan, Norway are both developed enough to survive without consuming one of the most intelligent animals in the world. WHO, an organization built to protect people worldwide ended up excluding Taiwan (population: 23.8 million) for China during COVID-19. Something that has been done over and over again doesn’t mean it is qualified to be a part of the culture.

To use my work commercially please contact me and I will provide the hi-res version.

Written By Human, Not By AI



Future Travel

Writer for UX Collective, Prototypr, and more. Judge for Webby Awards, Telly Awards, AIVA, and more. ♦ gasolinehorses.com