Do it well & make life fun!

Siddharth Pandey
6 min readJan 18, 2016


Are you a person who works for a fixed hours daily (work, school, etc.), comes back home and call it as a day? If someone decides to write a book about your life, will there be enough content to fill up the pages or is it going to be another predictable story on page 2? Do you want that story to sound interesting to your ears, may be adventurous?

We humans have habit to follow the routines that are quite comfortable and comforting. Some of us think a lot to live exciting life and admire other people, maybe friends or celebrity. Living an exciting life appears to be great in theory. You know what I’m talking about. But you will agree with me, that it’s a bit daunting when we are faced with to actually do something to make it exciting.

Well, it also depends what’s your definition of exciting life. Does it mean: to go for skydiving, own shiny bikes/cars, going to pubs or parties? I agree, those are exciting for sure, but we all have different life circumstances and personalities which may help us to come up with a definition of excitement i.e fun in life.

At age 15, my thrill was to leave my house based in a town named Nagda, Madhya Pradesh and to move to a new city named Kota, Rajasthan in India for my further studies. That was the first time I was away from my family for so long. It took a while for me to settle there and in few weeks I was excited to make new friends and explore new city, food, culture, people & state.

As of today, my age is 24 and I’m based in the South-East of United Kingdom after my graduation from North-England. I came to the UK in 2008 and have really enjoyed exploring places, culture, etc. This also means that I only visit my family during holidays. I join them to celebrate Diwali, the festival of lights and the main festival that Hindu loves celebrating with their loved ones.

During this journey, I had my own definition of excitement as you don’t have to do or be something really, to have a more interesting and exciting life. Its with the help of simple and small changes, change in your thinking are the factors that will make your life more fun, adventurous — obviously on your terms.

Don’t let your daily boring routine ruine this unknown or yet to be found excitement for you. You can easily try to get out of this routine & put some sparkle in your lifestyle with your own definition of creative thinking and planning.

I’ll list some of the ideas that may help you to get started that once helped me to explore more.

  1. Do not wait: It’s never too late to start again. Take action and don’t wait to try out something. Step out of your comfort zone and stop playing it safe. Don’t look for someone else to start and take the lead. You are the creator of your life. Make it as exciting and thrilling as you wish.
  2. Do that one big thing: Don’t hold yourself back of doing that one thing that’s running in your mind. Did that thing came into your mind now? Maybe it’s a job change, a proposal, a stuff to buy, etc. You know better what I’m talking about. Take the step as action creates momentum and momentum builds excitement.
  3. Be curious about people: Yes, you read it right. As your old or new friends about their lives, don’t go personal, be friendly. Listen what they say, apply in your life if it’s good or simple dump it in never do this in your mind. By doing this, you will figure out something intriguing about yourself & your friends.
  4. Adopt a pet: I believe this is a good way to learn responsibility and excitement at the same time. It is also a good way to meet other pet people & grab fun opportunities with your pet as they are a good company (especially a puppy).
  5. Go to a rock-concert: Get tickets to your favourite band that you like and ask you friends or loved ones to listen to the music and have fun.
  6. Be kind: Do something unexpectedly nice for your friend or even for strangers. They will be amazed and you will too. Pay for someone’s coffee or gift a card.
  7. Define your life vision: It’s not a crime to leave all the work you have and spend some time thinking about your definition of ideal life. Write down the actions that you think will help you to reach that goal.
  8. Step out of the house: Yes, you read it right. Leave your TV, Laptop, PC in peace and go out of your house in the real world and meet people at cafe, pub, club or just go for a walk either in the morning or evening after dinner.
  9. Go to comedy club or theatre: Plan your evening or weekend to visit a comedy club or a theatre show in your near by area. If you go in group, you may be eligible for some sort of discount on tickets.
  10. Cook your food: If you don’t cook your own food, it’s the time to start learning how to cook or even try to cook some unusual recipe. You can find many resources online or Youtube where you can learn cooking.
  11. Learn to drive: Driving is fun if done right. Learn to drive by joining a driving school in your area. Either go for two or four wheeler depending on your interest.
  12. Learn something new: Learn something new — a foreign language, a musical instrument, a new skill or hobby. You will be amazed how easy it is to meet new people while participating in such activities. I’ve always make most of Meetup service where you find communities/groups with similar interests and join events depending on your availability. I also made a group when I moved to Canterbury using this service and met new friends. It’s highly recommended!
  13. Cut a rug:Try that new dress you have or want to buy, or a new hairstyle you have in your mind. Just do it. There’s only you who is holding yourself back.
  14. Workout & play sports: If you like to work-out or play sports like tennis, badminton, basketball, etc. it’s a good way to enjoy and stay fit at the same time. Play it in lunch break or after school, work with your friends or at sports club.
  15. Change your daily routine: Try changing your morning or evening routine. For example, get up early and have breakfast outside. Start or end your day differently and I’m sure you will feel good that you tried something new.
  16. Keep yourself happy: Yup, stay in a good mood and keep yourself happy. There is no harm in just focusing on yourself and leave everything else for a while. Take your time to meditate, relax and stay away from daily stress that you get either from work, busy traffic, etc. As if you are not happy, then all the points above does not make any sense.

It’s true that an exciting life doesn’t just happen to you. You need to find ways to get that excitement in your life by making small changes in your lifestyle and your perspective. I’ve tried to list some of the small actions above that has help me before. These or other small changes will allow you to see a new and exciting outlook on life. Share with me what has worked for you or what are you going to try next for yourself.

