1 min readJan 30, 2016

Can love travel with Emirates?

Love- that uninviting burst of something you get for someone, the irrational feeling that you can’t possibly breathe without that other person, the I to the we, the holding hands, the butterfly kisses, the can’t breathe, can’t focus can’t live without you love- it’s amazing…..and then you travel!

Travel enlightens the soul and opens the mind but in doing so brings questions?

You contemplate your relationships worth, you get comfortable you expect more the time zone changes and your mind frame changes. It’s starting to not look so green now you’ve crossed over to them golden sands…..and then you come back, tanned skin, freckled face and broken heart??? Can love travel or does travel open ourselves up to the millions of planes in the sky?


A ridiculously in love girl with the world at her feet, age not quite on her side but surrounded by family, friends &I travel.....and the man that I love but...