Motus Operandi…

Diem Jones
Future Travel
Published in
2 min readApr 26, 2018
Image: Peter Longbon

…and so it seems, the other side of this clear night will be a clear day/and so it seems, the lessons of pills vs. illness have yet to be heard…

When Dr. George Clinton proclaimed, in the mid-seventies, “The bigger the headache, the bigger the pill…they call ME the Big Pill,” many of us fell in line with the danceable rhythms, while the message became subliminally rooted in our consciousness. Many of us fans and colleagues applauded the brashness of the statement finding the self-proclaimed guru (George aka Dr. Funkenstein) a truth-saying leader of the times…

…At the time of it’s release “Funkentelechy” was thought to be a claim, it really was loaded with an inference that exposed the delusion of Big Pharma’s mission of caring for your health as a ploy to increase the bottom line of their profits…

If you look to the pill or some other external force for healing, you are sniffing the tail end of the wind. In order to promote healing and eradicate illness, we have to get to the root cause of whatever dis-ease we have, vs. finding a bandaid to cover-up the symptoms. This leaves the exposed roots to remain fertile and replay the symptoms. Throughout the song, George equates the radio, as purveyor of soulful cleansing and asks that we, “lay IT on the radio to let the vibes flow through, as FUNK not only moves, it can remove — dig…”

Since FUNK is not only a music genre it is also FUN with a K on it and the K is for Kindness, I choose to take FUNK over a pill any day and want to make my FUNK the P (pure), preferably undiluted (UnCut), as P-Funk was and still is the BOMB!

Photos: Diem Jones



Diem Jones
Future Travel

Diem Jones is a poet, musician, multi-media artist, and arts administrator. He is also co-founder and past of E.D. VONA/Voices (VONA) and Murray Gove.