As fake as all of my boyfriends this year (

My Christmas Wish

A Case for Love
Future Travel
Published in
4 min readJan 2, 2017


I belong on the naughty list.

Even though there might not have been a boyfriend waiting under the Christmas palm tree this year, I was on the beach in Thailand drinking a piña colada out of a pineapple with my family. So yeah… I was on the nice list for sure.

But… one piña colada leads to a second, and a second to a third, and a third to a glass of wine, then a beer, maybe another glass of wine and before you know it, you’re trolling social media, laughing to yourself about the next funny idea. And here we are now, with about 25 new messages, all waiting to be read and possibly answered. Whoops.

I’m currently on a family vacation in Krabi, Thailand and I’m the luckiest mo-fo in the whole world and I know it. I’ve met so many amazing people this year, I’ve traveled to over 20 countries on three continents and I’m making a paycheck at the same time. So of course the only thing missing is the whole hot boyfriend part of the story.

Similar to how I looked on Christmas morning, holding out hope that my boyfriend might still be under there somewhere…(

Enter: tipsy-texting.

I love the fresh feeling between having a buzz and being full-blown drunk. It’s a feeling of bliss that you can’t quite explain, when you’re not exactly ready to make bad decisions yet but inhibitions are on their way out the window. It’s the in-between, right when you think to yourself, “Should I send this text? Yes.”

So I hit send:

“Merry Christmas :emoji Christmas tree: :Santa emoji: hope all is well!”

# Tinder messages sent: 20

# Bumble messages sent: 11

# Whatsapp messages sent: 16

# Facebook messages sent: 7



I have over 600 matches on Tinder so obvi didn’t message all of them, so I decided which ones I wanted to attempt to open the conversation up with again. Not necessarily thinking that I would start a relationship with them, but hey ya never know.

My sister was nearly breaking out into hives watching me do this — her worst nightmare is my favorite pastime. I was giggling to myself every time I pressed send on a message, picturing some of these guys getting a message from me after up to 10 months of radio silence.

Some of the guys I sent messages to are ones that I’ve actually gone out with and others were penpals that sadly never turned into anything else.

Here are some of the notable messages:

  • Canadian date in Prague who rose from the dead — “Hey You! Same to you. Just in Thailand? NBD, enjoy!”
  • Global Degree date — “Merry Christmas to you as well, hope all is well with you. And hope to see u somewhere around the world soon :)”
  • American date in Croatia — “Hi!!!! Thank you, Merry Xmas to you as well, still loving your Instagram pics, enjoy your time with your family!”
  • Croatian dude in Split — “Hey Beautiful, Happy Christmas :)”
  • Irish date in Cusco — “Happy Christmas to you! I’m doing well… what part of the world are you in?”
  • American date in Croatia — “Merry Christmas, hope all is well with you too miss.”
  • London date — “Hey, thanks! Merry Christmas to you too, have a good one! X”
  • British Birthday in Malaysia — “Merry Christmas daring! Hope you had a good one x”
  • Croatia Penpal — “Same to you, where in the world are you these days?”
  • Singapore Penpal — “Merry Christmas from Singapore, holla when you’re back here. X”
  • Chiang Mai Penpal — “You as well beautiful, hope Thailand is treating you well. Can I add u on Facebook?”
  • London Penpal — “Well hello there gorgeous, how’ve ya been? Bit cute of u to go msg after all this time. Merry xmas also, babe :kiss emoji”
  • Juan from Buenos Aires — “Cute.”
  • New York Penpal — “Merry Tinder Christmas to u as well.”

As you can see, some of these responses left the door open for a continued conversation, and others were like “K Thx Bye.” And then there were a few other messages that were plain and simple that didn’t warrant a response at all, but a nice acknowledgement nonetheless.

Maybe I’ll send a “Happy New Year!” text as well… nothing to lose, right? And only the possibility of a boyfriend (and a good blog post) to gain.



A Case for Love
Future Travel

Traveled the world to find a boyfriend, but now I’m empty handed with an empty wallet in NYC — @acaseforlove