Next destination: Tbilisi!

Maartje Jennifer Janse
Future Travel
Published in
3 min readFeb 14, 2017


My first upcoming trip is going to be to a city I don’t think many people heard of. I don’t even think that many people even know for sure where the country is situated at, what only makes it more fun to blog about it and teach you guys something new! I hope at least…

I will be going to Tbilisi, Georgia. So Georgia the country in Europe, not the state of America. If you have ever heard of this place then I am very proud of you already! So I was definitely clueless when I heard this name for the first time, my geography knowledge was not by far good enough to know where this place was situated. The first thing I did was to ask my best friend, Google, to tell me something more!

So Georgia is a country in the Caucasus region of Eurasia. Located at the crossroads of Western Asia and Eastern Europe, it is bounded to the west by the Black Sea, to the north by Russia, to the south by Turkey and Armenia, and to the southeast by Azerbaijan. If you are still clueless about where this should be, I made it a little bit easier for you:

Georgia is the little red country on the right side of the picture

The capital city is Tbilisi. Tbilisi has a little over 1.1 million inhabitants living in the city, what makes it the biggest city in the whole of Georgia. For me as a Dutch person, a city with that many inhabitants is actually quite big!
The climate in Georgia is very very very diverse and not really to pin down to only one climate. The western part of the country is very mountain rich and is located around 1000–4500 meters above sea level. This makes that part of the country perfect for things like mountain climbing, skiing, and snowboarding.

A mental note I made right away when I read that is that I definately have to go snowboarding there next winter!

Eastern Georgia is completely different from the western part of the country. This part almost has a tropical climate, what means nice warm weather! Tbilisi, where I will be going to, is located more in the eastern part of Georgia, so as you can understand I am seriously hoping for some good weather after all the rain I had here in Amsterdam!


After some online stalking and reading, I got really really really excited to actually go to Tbilisi. If I can trust the internet and Vogue magazine, it should be the next upcoming big destination you have to go to, I can’t wait!




Maartje Jennifer Janse
Future Travel

A 18 year old girl from Amsterdam who just happens to travel the world from time to time