Personalized Democracy

Bruce Nappi
Future Travel
Published in
2 min readAug 25, 2016

Tom O'Bedlam

This post is in response to Tom’s Post titled Red Planet: How We’ll Govern Mars. There was a software bug that prevented me from posting it as a comment in that story.

The subject you are writing about is not only important for a hypothetical Mars colony, it should be top priority for world survival! Whether humanity pulls through the climate crisis with some modern structure or crashes back to a dark ages, the “next” age of the human race needs to figure governance out or it will just repeat past and current failures. Solving human governance is the focus of my Medium article Collapse of the First Global Civilization. The last published part (Part 7) of the series focuses on The Failure of Democracy.

In short, the “Athenian democracy” that modern society is based on, even in an ideal form with NO corruption, can’t work with modern complexity and technology. The ultimate goal of my series was to describe the primary causes of government failure in the first 7 parts, and then provide a model that can work in the last 3 parts.

If you or any readers want to jump ahead, the basic elements of a new governing structure are briefly summarized on my website under what I call Personalized Democracy. If anyone wants to understand this in detail, it’s all in my two novels which are available through the website as well. Anyone with a serious interest in this, please contact me directly. My info is on the website.

NB: This is NOT a simple problem. It can’t be solved by patching the “democratic” form now in use which is actually a Republic. Almost every element of society has to change. Right now, human culture, particularly its pervasive business model, is structured as an evolutionary BACTERIA model. Humanity is now approaching the walls of the Petri dish. To sustain a high density, fast paced, globally communicating, high technology world, our entire culture must be remodeled on a CELLULAR model.



Bruce Nappi
Future Travel

Director A3 Research Institute, A3 Society. Eagle Scout 1965 North Pole Expedition. New discovery: Personalized Democracy. Medium contributor since 2015.