
Marcus Whitaker
Future Travel
Published in
2 min readApr 10, 2017

My roommate, Jacob, and I talk a lot about the concept of how everyone you meet is a part of your adventure and how you’re a part of theirs — even if it’s just for a day, a week or a couple years. The importance of always seeking to make the moment great and every human connection a lasting one is something that comes up in our house a lot as we chat with new people we meet.

We started hosting travelers over the past couple weeks to give back to the community that’s exposed us to some of nicest and most adventurous people. This is my new friend, Friedhelm, from Germany. He’s traveling to Montreal and then buying a motorcycle to make a cross country trip to see America from coast to coast. I showed him my favorite local dive bar, walked to the Atlanta prison farm, and took him long boarding for the first time. Sharing your city with a traveler you just met makes you fall in love with your city again. When you see someone stare in awe at something for the first time, it makes you wonder why you stopped staring at the same thing. Friedhelm kept calling Atlanta the forest city and it reminded me that I need to stop more often and just enjoy the trees. Safe travels, my friend.



Marcus Whitaker
Future Travel

Doing my best at experiencing the world and living the less observed life. Follow my adventures on Instagram at @themarcuswhit