3 min readJan 23, 2016

The world famous Full moon party

‘Christmas is a time for all the family to get together’

‘Christmas cheer is priceless’

‘Yay it’s Christmas’

Yes you’ve guessed it.. I’m not one for Christmas. It’s partly because I don’t agree with how commercial, wrapped in greed and pressurising the entire event is and partly because as a child it was a time I loved so much and like everyone grew to learn the sad truth that is, unfortunately Christmas looses all its novelties as you lose your milk teeth.

It’s not all bad! It meant that I was mentally freed up to spend a month in Thailand over the Christmas period and attend the full moon party!!!

We were in Koh Pannang the Island of jungle, half moon, full moon, waterfall (pretty much any type of nature based) party!

The day has gone quite slowly, most people in the hostel I was staying in were quite sullen about spending Christmas away from loved ones so the general mood was quite low. Then 9 pm struck..

The buzz was rife, girls started getting ready (the fact that we were going to be on a beach high heels were not going to be worn, any form of eloquent dress none existent and make up and polishing very limited were all irrelevant factors as any girl knows events need preparation we like to make whatever we’re working with look good).

Everyone was ready by 10pm and pre drinking began. It was here that we saw our first stage of alcohol intolerance from the group members who were evidently out of their depth for such an occasion.

Cabs arrived and as per all kinds of safety awareness and actions were neglected on the Tuk Tuk journey from our hostel to Hadrin but was anyone complaining? We were instead mindlessly screaming Christmas carols that were internationally recognised!


We arrive at the beach where the party is being held, organised chaos would be a perfect description. Hoards and hoards of drunken and some sober people, to my surprise not just the excitable tourists were endorsing this event. The Thai locals were joining us tonight!!

As we lined up and got out wristbands priced at 100 baht (£2) excitement rippled. My friends muttered something about staying together LOOL within 30 seconds of entering that was a vague memory. The beach was covered with people, sea shore was saturated with bottles, people and more bottles.

Every inch of the sand was covered either by people a stage a stall or bottles. Not to mention the extra fun stuff like the on fire skipping rope (alight isn’t a graphic enough description), the alcohol liquid slide and the poles (for dancing).

It really was a sight for sorely sober eyes and magnificent too.

My purse was stolen my phone submerged in the sea water (promptly rescued nonetheless) and some of my friends paralytic but it beats pulling crackers and falling asleep from gluttony!

I for one had a very merry Christmas

Follow my Instagram @mayasaffronhan for more Thailand snaps!


📍Personal trainer 📍Soft tissue therapist Passion for health and fitness 💪🏽 Bigger passion for happiness and learning ✌🏽️ Enjoy my tales London🌎