Tips to Keep Your Relationship Healthy While You Travel and Your Partner’s at Home

Future Travel
Published in
4 min readSep 3, 2019

A healthy relationship is amazing. But, traveling apart can test concerns. Here are a few tips on how to keep a healthy relationship while travelling.

While our world seems to be closed due to technological advancements, that also means people and companies have better access to travel and far-reaching destinations that at times require human contact. What does this mean for you? A likelihood that at some time during your relationship, you or your partner may need to spend time apart. It stinks, really it does. After all, relationships, in part, are about being together. Even strong relationships can struggle during times apart. But the good thing is that keeping your relationship healthy and active while traveling may not be as difficult as it seems.

Here are some tips to keep your relationship strong while you and your partner are apart.

Develop a plan with your partner

Okay, so, at some point you and your partner need to discuss that massive elephant in the room. One of you is going to be traveling and the other will be stuck at home. It could be for a few days, weeks, or longer. Unfortunately, many couples who deal with traveling never actually sit down to discuss the rules of travel. Is it okay to have an innocent dinner with a friend or coworker or will that cause your partner to be jealous? How often should you contact each other? Strong couples may only need to talk once or twice a week, while newer couples may need to talk or communicate multiple times a day.

Developing a plan that addresses potential concerns, communication, itinerary, and anything else that’s important to you is important to keep both of you on the same comfortable page.

Have virtual dates

It’s difficult being away from your partner for very long. Much of this is because you likely miss those times when you lounge around doing nothing — together. So, why not schedule a virtual date? Do you remember the movie When Harry Met Sally? There is a scene when they are both watching Casablanca while talking to each other on the phone. Virtual date is very similar. You can even go as far as ordering the same food for dinner, watching the same movie, and using video chat to talk to your partner. This time is special and while you are physically apart, this also helps to create a tight emotional bond.

Be conscious about your partner’s concerns

When your partner comes up to you and says they are uncomfortable with you being away because of the temptation, your first thought should not be anger. However, being angry that your partner doesn’t trust you is a natural response. The problem is that if your partner is strong enough to approach you about their concerns, you should be strong enough to provide comfort.

Comfort may come in many ways (some of which are found on this list), though the best thing you can do is try to provide assurance. Assurance can come from regular communication, scheduled calls, frequent text messages, pictures, etc. You want to try and alleviate your partner’s concerns rather than make your partner sad for feeling the way they do. Remember that concern comes out of love, not from lack of trust.

Be honest with your plans

Have you ever had a plan to go somewhere in town, but when you got there it was closed prompting you to go somewhere else? Well, a common response when you find that your destination was closed is to call or text your partner to let them know that plans have changed. This is courteous as well as keeping your partner informed on where you’ll be. However, when we travel, we seem to forget those little gestures. We also forget that smartphones have tracking devices on them. First, never turn off your tracking device when traveling. That’ll bring you into question. Second, just be honest with the change in plans. If you told your partner that you are going straight into work, but then they see you out for breakfast this will only insight worry, fear, or concern.

It’s okay for travel plans to change, and it should be expected that they do. But, even if your partner is thousands of miles away, don’t be shy about the communication. Your partner will appreciate it.

Try sexting

You may not have considered sexting when you are together, it is a great way to keep your passion for each other alive while you are away. Sexting is a great way to heighten your interest in each other and may actually help to open up some interests you or your partner had bottled up. Here are a few things to consider while sexting:

  • Be conscious of timing and make sure your partner is ready for you to initiate sexting.
  • Be dramatic. By that, we mean allow time for the sexting conversation to build instead of just digging in.
  • Stay within you and your partner’s comfort zones.
  • Take sexy pics ahead of time
  • Don’t forget it’s okay to talk dirty

In conclusion

Traveling without your partner can be a big pain in the… you know what. But, to maintain a healthy relationship there are some things you can do so that your time away will hardly seem like a thing at all. The first thing you will want to do is talk and develop a plan while also trying to eliminate as many concerns as possible before travel. Don’t forget to bring your emotional connection together through scheduled virtual dates and keep the bedroom alive with sexting. One of the biggest obstacles you will face is alleviating your partner’s concerns which can be managed through frequent communication and honesty. This may seem hard at first, but once you master traveling while in a relationship, you’ll laugh at how easy it really is.



Future Travel

Mila Jones is a Senior Business Consultant, With rich experience in the domains of technology consulting and strategy.Twitter: @miilajones