Tongue-Tied In Hong Kong

Yasmin Ganesan
Future Travel
Published in
5 min readFeb 4, 2016
Money can’t buy the view that i was welcomed with at Lantau Island

In 2015, I decided to pack my bags and went on an unguided trip to Hong Kong with my family. Mind you, it was the first time that I had ever been there and despite having some Chinese blood i cannot utter a word of comprehensible Mandarin let alone Cantonese. I remember thinking to myself on the flight “ What the heck am I doing,will I enjoy my holiday here?”. Needless to say the one week that I spent in Hong Kong took me by surprise.

I had the absolute pleasure of spending my first two days at the Disneyland Hotel. Running around the giant christmas tree in the lobby and having a cartoons marathon in the lounge with all the little children made me feel like a small child again. In fact everything about that hotel reminded me of the fun times i use to have as a kid when I was innocent and believed in magic and fairytales ( I still believe in magic even to the day though)

Just like a castle out of a fairy-tale

And of course there was Disneyland which I truly believed earned it’s title as the “ Happiest place on earth”. There was a certain infectious euphoric vibe that surrounded the entire place. Everyone was laughing and having fun. Thousands of selfies were taken with the various childhood characters that roamed the place waiting to say hello or give you a warm hug. There were all sorts of pretty trinkets and delicious looking sweets (Candy apples were the bomb) that could be found at every corner of the park. Parades occurred almost every 10 mins and the fireworks at the end just took my breath away.

Beloved characters such as Winnie The Pooh bringing cheer to the crowd

The place was truly magical, I felt like a five-year old kid again where Winnie-The-Pooh left me starstruck and I got to dance with prince charming like a real princess. To this day Walt Disney is still one of my heroes because he inspired people and taught them how to dream. It’s amazing how powerful the impact of his fictional characters can influence the world. Because of him, we have cartoons, movies and these amazing theme parks. Disneyland will always remain special in my heart.

The breath-taking fireworks that truly show that Disneyland is a magical place

Another famous attraction that I strongly recommend everyone to visit is the one and only Victoria Peak situated at the western half of Hong Kong Island. That was definitely an eye-opener for me. Standing at the the top of the peak looking down at the enormous view of Hong Kong Island,it definitely gave me a different perspective on life. I realised how small we were compared to the world and that there are actually endless opportunities for us to meet all kinds of people. I had some serious reflection time when I was up on that peaceful peak with just my thoughts as my companion. I realised how many more places and people that i have not been exposed to. This trip truly showed me how passionate I was about travelling and meeting new people and cultures. Call me crazy but I definitely had a moment of enlightenment.

But in Hong Kong it wasn’t just about the places that I visited but it was also about the people I met and that I think really defines how much fun you have on a trip. This trip was the most memorable because despite being completely alien to the culture and way of life there,the people made me feel like I belonged.

Walking down the streets filled with Chinese signs and hearing the cantonese dialect was surprisingly welcoming. Just by uttering a few words in English and more words in my broken Mandarin, the locals would smile and the children would laugh at how silly I sounded. The shop ladies would share with entice me with various bargains. The foreigners that owned restaurants selling their ethnic food would share their experience in Hong Kong whilst handing me a cup of coffee as I huddle up in a side booth. The taxi uncles would complain about the high cost of living but would continue chatting happily about the attractions to be found. Walking for hours with my I-phone google maps just to find the best egg tarts and constantly adjusting my coat because the weather was so cold. As confusing and hectic as my trip was, I loved it.

Mong Kok East, definitely a change from the small towns back in Singapore

If I ever get the chance I will definitely go back to Hong Kong,the city that left me wide-eyed and tongue-tied. This goes to show that just because you are not familiar with the language and culture, doesn’t mean that you cannot have an amazing time



Yasmin Ganesan
Future Travel

just a pocketful of sunshine and penny for thoughts…