Travelling with Pets: Dream or Nightmare?

Sinisa Milic
Future Travel
Published in
4 min readJul 6, 2018

Your trip is getting closer and closer and your indecision is getting bigger and bigger. What to do with pets, the question is now. To bring them or not to bring them? Would it be a dream or would it not? Maybe, rather not, because the dream can transform itself into a nightmare? How can one then know what is the right thing to do? Well, there are some theories.

Well-being First of All

Is travelling with pets good for us or for pets? Don’t see it in an egoistic way, because the sincere answer can easily solve your dilemma. Who wouldn’t be happy to have their loving pets with them while on a trip? And which pet wouldn’t be happy to be with his adorable owner instead of whining poorly alone and abandoned at home while its owner is having a great time elsewhere? Seen this way, everybody would feel guilty and responsible for the well-being of their pet. But what is really the well-being for the pet? How long will your trip be? Are the climate conditions similar to those ones that your pet is currently enjoying? Will your pet survive the trip without any possible health troubles? Would it be safer to let pets simply stay at home and don’t risk moving them for their own sake and your own? If something bad happens on a trip, it would be your fault and you would feel responsible. Think it well through.

Life Unpredictability

Let’s say you have opted for the dream trip and that everything will be okay. In this case, it will be a dream! You can enjoy cities, mountains, lakes, seas, whatever place you have chosen, with your lovable pets. They make your company and they enjoy the trip as well, being like members of a family you will have the sense of fullness and happiness as you are all together. A trip cannot be better! But there is always some but, because something bad might lurk around. There might be the situation where pets are not allowed and then you have a problem. Your pet might feel bad or even you, and then what will be of the trip? Double problem. Or, you don’t have any problem at all, and suddenly a bigger animal attacks your innocent one? Yes, life is unpredictable. That is another factor that you have to take into consideration.

Unpleasant Surprises

What if your pets do not stand the trip, what if they don’t behave themselves as you have expected them and as they did at home, where it was their territory? Seen from this point of view, it is really better to travel without them, no matter how much you love them. You will do yourself a favour and your pets as well. The trip will be finished at some point and you will be happily reunited.

Great Sense of Responsibility

However, if you decide that the right thing to do is to bring the pets with you, be ready to take a great care of them. The key factor here is to be responsible and to watch for your pet. Be ready to give up some comfort too. Also, be prepared that your trip adventures will be limited. You won’t have the same freedom as you would have without pets.

Prevention and Reason

Considering all possibilities, there is a greater probability that your dream travelling with pets ends up in a nightmare. So, if we are talking sense, it would be probably the best to leave your pets at home, if you have someone who can look after them while you are on a trip. Otherwise, try to find someone who can take care of them during your absence. If not possible, then you don’t have much of choice than bringing them with you and hoping that it will all work like a dream.


All in all, nobody can predict if travelling with pets will be a dream or a nightmare instead. All we can do is to make suggestions and predict hypothetical scenarios what will be and if it will be. Some people travel regularly with their pets and consider it living a dream, others don’t share the same fortune and regret bringing them on a trip. Prevention is always better, but sometimes the pleasure is worth risking. However, not always. Whatever you do, just be careful and take responsibility. We wish you and your pets a nice travel during your trip or in the other case a nice stay at home waiting for you to come back from your memorable trip!

