Uni: week 1

Maddie Riddle
4 min readJan 18, 2016



Today was a half day of Uni and we were introduced to our first subject and professor — Trends Forecasting. It was a pretty easy and straight forward first class where we discussed what trend forecasting is and how do recognise a “coolhunter” which is someone who recognises trends in society and basically starts new trends.

We also looked at examples of mood boards, which is our first assignment for the course. The aim is to use photos we will take at Pitti Uomo (the fashion fair) to recognise a trend and draw inspiration from interiors and architecture to create an overall mood board.

After Uni we did a bit of shopping to cheer us up about the fact that starting Wednesday we have Uni 6 hours a day. Not 100 per cent sure how that is going to go down considering I don’t even attend that much Uni back in Australia… Good luck to me.


Another half day of Uni today where we started our second subject — Fashion Writing. The aim of this specific subject is to improve our writing skills and develop our own personal blog (the final assignment for the course). The 3 hours of Uni today was a little draining and dull because it was basically an overview of press releases which is what I did in first year of Uni so fingers crossed it gets better.

We were all hanging out for a glass of wine (bottle, I mean bottle) and no one could be bothered cooking so we went out for dinner at a place really close to the apartment. I had truffle pasta and would definitely rate it 10/10. I love being able to eat pasta at least one meal a day. It was an early night tonight as tomorrow we are going to Pitti Uomo Men’s Fashion Fair!


Today was PITTI UOMO, Florence Men’s Fashion Fair!

It was an early start but the most beautiful day I have seen since I arrived to Florence — blue skies and not a cloud in the sky! I won’t bore you with the details of the day (lol jks I really just can’t remember because it was such a blur and free tequila cocktails). Basic layout of the event is a huge area with different venues dedicated to different types of clothing (urban, more sartorialist/traditional) and brands (most European brands) so buyers go in and talk to designers about buying their lines for their stores etc.

Fashion Fair — street style ;)

That night we were invited to a private fashion event however due to a PR mix-up we ended up having drinks and bonding with most of the group who are in the course. It was a great way to get to know everyone.

Tequila cocktails @ Pitti


I woke up this morning definitely not looking forward to a full 6 hours of Uni but soldiered through. First up we had Trend Forecasting. In this class we formed groups in order to create our mood boards based on photographs we took yesterday at Pitti, which will later form the basis of our photoshoot. It was really interesting forming a new trend based on photos we took and then used external things like interiors, architecture, patterns and other fashion inspiration to create our mood board and a colour swatch. More details to come on this!

Second part of the day was Fashion Writing where we were asked to select a blog we read and talk about why we like that blog, what style it is and key words about the blog. Once again a reallllllly long 3 hours and I was incredibly keen for bed after school but after Uni meant catching up with our group to finish the mood board for tomorrow’s class…


Waking up this morning my only thought was “one more day til the weekend”. I was exhausted and keen for tomorrow’s wine tasting adventures around the Tuscan countryside. I was craving wine and wine and more wine.

Class one was Trend Forecasting where the groups presented their mood boards. It was interesting to see what trends others recognised from the fashion fair compared to our group.

“70’s Nostalgia” — page one
“70’s Nostalgia” — page two
“70’s Nostalgia” — page three

Class two was The Italian Fashion System, a new class and a new professor. Our professor looks and sounds IDENTICAL to Edna from The Incredibles. She is insane and talks a lot with her hands but all up it was a really interesting class with a lot of history into the whole “Made in Italy” thing!

It was a really long day and by the end I was thinking BRING ON THE WINE TOUR. And you know, beautiful countryside…..



Maddie Riddle

20, Melbourne, strategic communication, La Trobe Uni, lover of tea & all things pretty