Jim Perreault
2 min readJan 18, 2016

Welcome to Kenya

I fell in love with Africa immediately, the flamboyant music, diesel smoking vehicles and the uncertainty of what I was getting myself into next. I had travelled thru the safety and comforts of Europe before entering the comfort zone stretching Kenya. I knew right away I was going to need to bring my A game for me to get the most of this experience. I had a feeling I was in over my head when I noticed the “Scam of the Day” notice board at the hostel I was staying at. This proved to be a interesting read and money saving notice.

While walking back to the hostel from the downtown core I was followed by a gentlemen for a few blocks. I eventually stopped and asked him what he wanted. And this was his story: He said he knew who I was because he was the cleaner at the hostel (which he accurately named) and that he was sent into town to run some errands, unfortunately he ran out of gas on the way back. He wanted to know if I could lend him $5 so he could get gas and return to his work duties and that the owner would refund me when I got back to my room. As I walked along hearing this I thought of the slight possibilities of it being true however apprehensive. So I said to him $5 that’s not going to get you anywhere, you will need $20 to get you back, which I have for you but not on me, it’s in the safe and if you come with me I will get it for you. His eyes lite up and he smiled from ear to ear as we proceeded to make our way back. When we got within a few hundred feet of the front gate I said to the young man, since we are here and you work for this hostel why don’t you just tell your boss of your unfortunate circumstance and he would surely give you the assistance you require. At that instance the man turned and simply walked away disgruntled by his failure to get what he wanted. As I ended the lobby I went over to newly updated notice board and seen in big bold letters a warning about people trying to scam money by claiming they ran out of gas.

He didn’t get any of my money but he did get my attention. I was impressed by this mans conviction and attention to details so he obviously did his homework. I was right, I was in for an adventure and it had only been day one.