Welcome to my travel blog!

Maartje Jennifer Janse
Future Travel
Published in
2 min readFeb 14, 2017

A little introduction to get started with this blog.

I am Maartje and I’m turning 19 this year. I am from Amsterdam, he Netherlands, were I live with my two best friends in our apartment. For a 18 year old girl I am pretty sure that I can say that I have seen quite some things around the world already and made my fair share of trips. Luckily enough I have two parents who both love to travel, so from little on I got to travel the world.
Those trips made me the person I am today and also created my passion for traveling. To do something more permanent with that I decided to go study International Tourism and Management at the Inholland Diemen University of Applied Science.

In my recent travels I have found that when I return, many people ask me how the trip was and I can’t really choose which aspect of the trip to talk about in this short 5 minutes conversing. A good trip simply is too beautiful and complicated to tell in such a short amount of time. So I just reply “good” and all my experiences can’t be shared. So the main point of starting this blog is, hopefully, to take friends and other curious people through my travels and show them the highlights and beauty of my trips.

“We travel, some of us forever, to seek other places, other lives, other souls.” — I know I know, quite a cheesy and deep quote at the same time, especially if you think that I am a tourism student. Every time I go somewhere, or I just came back people ask me why I love travelling so much and why I can’t just stay in the country for longer than 2 months. I think that this quote definitely express my thoughts about travelling. You have to get out there to create yourself, to learn and to grow. How can you really know who you are and where you belief in if you have never experiences other cultures, other views from completely different people?

I hope that writing this blog can get you, whoever you are, excited about travelling, or at least open your mind a little bit and give you a bit more information about some beautiful destinations about the world.




Maartje Jennifer Janse
Future Travel

A 18 year old girl from Amsterdam who just happens to travel the world from time to time