What’s Your New Year’s Resolution?

5 min readJan 27, 2016


So we’ve just closed the curtains on 2015, and just so we know exactly how to face this oncoming cruise ship dubbed “2016”, just take a moment to reflect on your year and realize just how far you have come this year. There have been break-ups, farewells, fresh starts, great business deals, tough financial losses and we’re hoping a ton of financial gains too. No matter what you have faced this year, the fact that you are still here proves two among many other things: that you are much stronger than you ever thought you were and that there is still plenty of hope for good things to come.

In light of this, what have you set your eyes on in 2016? There is certainly a lot to get excited about and even more to look forward to. 2015 was a year of expansion, achievement and improvement for us here at Flexiroam.

With last year being our fourth year of our existence, we decided to open develop our global perspective by cultivating a workforce of global talent. So we started hiring staff from all corners of the world with countries ranging from Mexico; Brazil; Portugal; Ghana; Nigeria; Equatorial Guinea; Taiwan; Hong Kong; Seychelles; India; South Africa; China and Philippines. We felt that building an environment of individuals with global mind-sets would not only allow the company to become more acquainted with global partnerships, but will also strengthen our internal expertise.

From top left to right: Luiz (Brazil), Mbula (South Africa, Mahmood (India), Carlos (Ghana), Afzal (India), Laz (Uzbekistan) Gianty (Taiwan) and Cel (Ghana)
From bottom left to right: El: (Malaysia), Valle (Spain), Claudia (Mexico), Katrina (China), Fernanda (Brazil)

Along with the infusion of our newly introduced expats to our staff have been a number of game-changing milestones which have paved a new pasture for our start-up company.Our biggest milestones for 2015 included reaching our targeted revenue and even exceeding it, being listed on the Australian Stock Exchange as well as bringing home the World Travel Communications award, given to us by the World Travel Awards, for the third time in a row. Pretty much nothing has been impossible for us this past year, with our passion filled, enthusiastic, hardworking and family oriented team of Flexiroamers.

There wasn’t a more proud moment for us this year than the glorious reveal of our long awaited Flexiroam App which introduced a new level of travel communication convenience for globe trotters all around the world. The launch of the Flexiroam App has set our company in a new direction, with the introduction to new markets as well in addition to the introduction of new product features all coupled into a roam easy app set to revolutionize international travel.

When we look back and reflect on the decisions that we made and the path that we took, and even the opportunities we may have missed because of these decisions, we have no regrets at all…and that has made all of the difference.

Here are some of the interesting lessons we have learned in 2015:

Lesson No.1: The Annual Performance Review Alone Isn’t The Best Way To Boost Performance

This year, we moved away from relying solely on the long-held tradition of the annual performance review as a means of measuring the productivity of individuals as a method of managing them.

Lesson No. 2: Global Perspective Can Make You A Better Boss

Our core management team has spent the year expanding our global reach and traveling more, establishing global partnerships which opened up our minds and taught us valuable lessons.

Lesson No. 3: You Won’t Always Agree With The People You Work With, But You’ll Get More Done.

It is quite learning curve to learn to work with people who are different from you, especially in moments when you have conflicting views or disagreements. Naturally, people are drawn more to those who are similar to themselves; however, in working with a diverse crowd, we have experienced a wider source of innovation. So while working with people you disagree with can be challenging, it goes a long way in shaking you out of your comfort zone.

So after all of this, what is our New Year’s resolution?


It sounds a bit odd on the offset, and perhaps even seems impossible, but here’s our reasoning: Working smart beats working hard.

Here are a few ideas suggested by lifehack.org that we are implementing which are proving to be quite powerful:

  • Reducing e-mail time to spend more time on larger projects.
  • Spend more time studying core concepts and key terms than less important details.
  • Utilize effective methods for time management, Francesco Cirillo’s Pomodoro Technique is already working wonders for our team.
  • Work in short periods. Allocate adequate time for rest and time for productivity.
  • Take time to regroup, meditate and have fun. Working yourself into a lather in order to get the job done very often only sets you on a course of accomplishing less. Nurture the ability to balance.
  • A/B Tests — Use this method to test out two different methods at the same time. This will allow you to find out which method gets better results.

All these steps, like any other, require time and a willingness to learn, but are cornerstones of building habits of productivity, efficiency and achievement and that is exactly what we want for you, your family and your organization. This is the time to set yourself on a course of success and you have 361 days to do it. So there is only one question left for you to answer…

What Is Your New Year’s Resolution?

References: http://www.lifehack.org/articles/featured/6-rules-to-work-less-and-get-more-accomplished.html

