Where the hekk is my boyfriend?

A Case for Love
Future Travel
Published in
2 min readApr 12, 2016


Consider this blog a modern day Sex in the City. Or should I say No Sex in the City. But instead of the word “City” let’s replace it with “World.”

I’m a #digitalnomad and I’m here to share my #datingasadigitalnomad stories with the world that I’ve become a part of. It’s going to be glorious, and awkward, and full of Google Translate, and cultural differences, and I already love all of it.

I’m 26 and as single as a dollar bill. I typically find myself scrolling through Facebook, looking at announcements of engagements, weddings, and babies. Part of me breathes a sigh of relief that I have 100% freedom to do whatever I want, whenever I want (besides the whole 9–5 thing). The other part of me wonders when I’m going to be the one posting those updates for my social media followers to see. Will Facebook even exist in 30 years when I (hopefully) find my dream man? Will hashtags be a thing for our wedding pictures on Instagram? #ChekkmeoutandWHOsayido!

Don’t get me wrong, I’m very happy with my life right now. If you were to look through my pictures, you would find countless selfies of me with my wide, open mouth smile, mid-laugh showing the world how much fun I’m having on the beach, at a Rangers hockey game, or on vacation. The only caveat is that instead of posting pictures with a boyfriend, I’m usually taking a selfie, by myself. I pride myself on getting a solid amount of likes on these pictures, up for debate if they’re sympathy likes or jealously likes, but hey! a like is a like, so I’ll take it.

The quarter-life crisis is a time when people are beginning to re-evaluate relationships, careers and cities to relocate to. Being 26 doesn’t feel old enough to have a clear head on my shoulders to make these kind of life-altering decisions, but I’m not in college anymore (devastating). These decisions are mine to make. Like the decision to leave NYC and chekk out the rest of the world.

I left NYC in February after three years, three years of being a single New Yorker, and am on my world tour for the next year. Be sure to chekk out my blog that takes a look back on a few of the notable nights over the years that have led me to where I am now: still single and in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Blog: www.chekkmeout.com

Instagram: @chekkmeout



A Case for Love
Future Travel

Traveled the world to find a boyfriend, but now I’m empty handed with an empty wallet in NYC — www.acaseforlove.com @acaseforlove