Why a 2 day trip is better than a 2 week vacation

2 min readJan 18, 2016


On a good day my most difficult decision is if I should take a power nap or take it like a champ and pass out for a couple hours. The power nap keeps me in my grove. The afternoon-long nap leads to a feeling of wasted and unproductive time. To me, this same mentality relates to how I like to travel. When I go on a trip for anywhere from 24 to 96 hours it is the power nap of traveling. A short trip keeps me in my groove, both personally and professionally, while scratching the itch to experience something new. These are why I prefer a weekend trip over an extended trip any day of the week:

1. I don’t have to take an extended time off from work

Relieving the stressful feeling of needing to complete ALL THAT WORK before I leave for my trip. And when I return I don’t have a mountain of papers on my desk. I feel as if I’ve never left.

2. I can experience more

Growing up my family would go on the week long vacation annually. As a child this was the the best week of my life every year, but limited to 1 experience and 1 week. Multiple weekend trips throughout the year allow me to experience everything from the beach to city life and anything in between.

3. I avoid the dreadful feeling of waiting until next year’s vacation

There is nothing worse after taking your 1–2 weeks of annual vacation than knowing you have to wait months for another vacation to come around. Making a habit of weekend trips keeps me from getting into funks and maintain an overall positive attitude.

4. I make better use of my time

When I’m on a trip I want to truly enjoy myself. This means disconnecting from my life at home as much as possible. In order to do so I must be certain that I am leaving things in good order while I am gone. A result of this is increased productivity before I leave.

5. I get to take power naps on airplanes

I love power naps and I love traveling. While traveling I can power nap all I want on a plane; the true definition of a win-win.

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You can find this post on my travel blog at www.48hourseries.com


Originally published at www.whoiscurtis.com.

