Are you curious about the future of learning?

Nick Burnett
Published in
4 min readAug 28, 2018

We were given the privilege of delivering a keynote at the 2018 Combined QLD Principals Associations’ State Conference last week.

The purpose of our keynote was to be both provocative and also to share some opportunities and reasons for optimism.

In this post we are going to share just a couple of the activities we undertook with participants and also reflect on what emerged from one of them.

Activity 1: Education in 2030

(Huge respect and thanks to Holoniq ( for providing the scenarios and also the data from the feedback from conference participants.)

We just want to draw attention to the text to the right-hand-side of the photo below:

“Global Education Market to reach $10 Trillion by 2030”

Participants were then informed of five possible scenarios about the state of education in 2030 and asked as table groups to decide which they thought was most likely:

Education As Usual — Scenario 1
Traditional education institutions remain the trusted source of learning and the most effective vehicle for jobs and prosperity. Higher Education consolidates, global talent platforms emerge and government remains the core source of funding around the world.

Regional Rising — Scenario 2
Regional alliances dominate the competitive education landscape, supported by strategic and political cooperation. Cooperative blended delivery and regional talent hubs cross-load labor supply and demand to strengthen regions.

Global Giants — Scenario 3
This global free market environment has fostered the emergence of ‘mega-organisations’ with ubiquitous brand recognition and the scale to achieve significant efficiencies and industry power.

Peer to Peer — Scenario 4
Learning online through rich, personalized human to human experiences dominates the post-secondary and skills training sectors. Blockchain technology fundamentally reconfigures credentialing and unlocks the collective creativity and IP of teachers.

Robo Revolution — Scenario 5
AI drives a complete reversal in ‘who leads learning’, with virtual tutors and mentors structuring learning paths, providing assessment tasks, giving feedback, adjusting according to progress and organizing human tutoring when needed.

The Results

Many thanks to Patrick Brothers, HolonIQ Co-Founder and Managing Director who provided links to all the relevant information. His brief feedback (there are results from across the world on the HolonIQ website) was:

“Really interesting results, Robo Revolution in last place is not so common but Peer to Peer as #1 is on trend for sure.”

For those who want to look at the detail, here are the live results.

Activity 2: How can we think big enough to be future ready?

After being deliberately provocative with Activity 1 we also then wanted to share our optimism and opportunity to work together to not only survive but to actually thrive in a largely automated future.

So we then spent some time sharing the FutureWe Framework developed by Jonathan with input from the FutureWe Community and we would encourage you to visit for more information of the framework shown below and to see who’s been involved in its development.

We’d encourage you to check both yours and your school/organisation future-readiness here: and feel free to share with others.

We are happy to share a copy of our slides here: always keen to work with settings and organisations keen to become future ready.

We’d also like to take the opportunity to share more news on our ongoing partnership and conversation with QASSP through the start of a series of Meetup’s: information below:

This was originally published on LinkedIn



Nick Burnett

Partnering for Excellence: People and Culture in the Human Services Sector