AI Chronicles: How Lena’s Lives Changed Forever

Three Lives, One AI Revolution

Designing Futures
3 min readMay 14, 2023


I am excited to introduce you to three unique and engaging narratives I have crafted to complement my recent analysis of the three waves of AI development at Trend Hacker.

These stories follow the lives of Lena, Clarke, and William as they navigate the challenges, opportunities, and transformations brought about by AI’s rapid growth.

So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the journey through the three waves of AI development with Lena, Clarke, and William. I hope these narratives enrich your understanding and appreciation of the profound effects AI has had and continues to have on our world.

Lena (Berlin, 1st Wave)

Lena is a 32-year-old bakery employee who has been living in Berlin, Germany, for the past eight years. Originally from a small town in northern Germany, she moved to Berlin for better job opportunities.

During the initial phase of AI development, Lena awakens in her snug yet unpretentious apartment, nestled within a vibrant neighborhood. As she rubs her eyes, the familiar din of lively streets outside signals the city’s awakening. Lena, her partner, and their two children create a tight-knit family haven in this dynamic world.

While preparing for the day ahead, Lena ponders how AI’s expanding presence reshapes her existence and society. Employed at a neighborhood bakery, she directly experiences the adoption of AI-enabled inventory and waste management systems. Before this technological shift, Lena performed numerous manual tasks at her workplace. However, as AI assumes some of these responsibilities, she redirects her energy toward enhancing customer interactions and refining her baking artistry.

Initially, Lena harbors intense concerns about potential job losses resulting from AI, particularly when news outlets forecast dramatic employment reductions. This worry strains her mentally, as she dreads her children encountering the financial hardships she faced in her youth. Yet, paradoxically, AI therapists guide her through this challenging period.

Seeking to supplement her income, Lena launches a bakery recipe blog on Substack, enabling more intimate self-expression. She heavily depends on AI instruments to propose distinctive recipes for her to modify and chronicle her experiences. Lena also employs a personal author and branding companions for her wiring tasks, accelerating the expansion of her audience and even introduces these innovative recipes at her workplace, featuring “Bizarre and Delectable AI Creations,” which garners her admiration far beyond her city for her imaginative approach and enthusiastic AI adoption.

As Lena thrives in her professional and blogging pursuits, her persona undergoes a metamorphosis. She welcomes AI’s potential and adjusts her daily routine to accommodate her burgeoning passion for writing and experimenting with AI-generated recipes. Lena rises earlier to study and design her blog content, reserving evenings and weekends for family time.

Her outlook on the future also evolves as she observes AI’s benefits in her and those of others. Lena grows optimistic, self-assured, adaptable, and visionary, acknowledging AI’s potential challenges and novel personal and professional development opportunities. Committed to staying informed about AI advancements and ethical considerations, Lena ensures she contributes to a more equitable future for her entire community. Her experiences instill in her the significance of adaptability, resilience, and a growth mindset within an ever-changing world propelled by AI.

Hi, it’s me: Daniel from Trend Hacker ;)



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