The Growing Impact of Depression on Society — a story from Cape Town

Designing Futures
Published in
4 min readJul 1, 2023

In recent years, mental health has emerged as a critical global issue affecting millions worldwide. With the rapid pace of modern life, economic pressures, and societal transformations, the prevalence of mental health disorders, particularly depression, has steadily risen. Forecast show that by 2030, depression will be a leading cause of personal and economic burden globally, further emphasizing the importance of addressing this pressing concern.

To illustrate the impact of depression on people’s lives, I have crafted this fictional narrative set in the year 2030.

The choice of the year 2030 underscores the need to acknowledge the potential increase in depression rates and to implement preventative measures and interventions to support those affected. In addition, by presenting the stories of Emilie and Thandiwe, we can gain valuable insights into the diverse ways depression manifests, considering the driving factors from the Analysis that you can find here: The Growing Impact of Depression on Society

Thandiwe, Cape Town

Thandiwe is a 35-year-old social worker living in Cape Town, South Africa. She has lived there for ten years to pursue new career opportunities, originally hailing from Port Elizabeth, South Africa.

“I’m proud of the mental health workshops we organize, as they help break down stigmas and bring our community together. It’s inspiring to see people from different backgrounds openly discussing their struggles and supporting one another.”

Thandiwe, Midjourney

As dawn crests over the year 2030, Thandiwe Nkosi, a devoted 35-year-old social worker, greets the tender morning light that seeps through her modest Cape Town home’s curtains. She unfurls from her sleep, embracing the promise of a new day before her husband and two children stir, their lively interactions giving rise to the day.

Her commute to work is a moment of tranquility. She boards the fully electric microbus that transports her to the heart of an underprivileged community. Here, she pours her heart and expertise into providing mental health support at the bustling community center, a beacon of hope and resources for the locals.

Thandiwe’s commitment to mental health advocacy was kindled during her tumultuous college years. The rigorous academic pressure, coupled with the sudden shift from her close-knit family in Port Elizabeth to the intense pulse of city life, had triggered her battle with depression. In addition, the stark contrasts of wealth and poverty and the rampant mental health issues within impoverished communities in Cape Town bore down on her sensitive soul. Yet, these very struggles fuel her desire to uplift those facing similar hardships today.

On this day, Thandiwe is immersed in a daunting mission: coordinating a series of mental health workshops designed to dismantle the stigma around mental illness and equip her community with coping strategies.

During her preparations, a distraught mother, Nomsa, seeks her counsel. Nomsa’s teenage son, battling addiction and depression, has recently withdrawn from school. Thandiwe listens, her heart resonating with the mother’s pain, recognizing the intertwined complexities of the situation and the urgency for immediate and sustained support.

Acting swiftly, Thandiwe rallies a team of fellow social workers and therapists to provide counseling and recovery resources for the family. She ushers Nomsa and her son into a support group of families navigating similar trials, fostering a sense of shared experience and collective strength. Thandiwe enables Nomsa’s family to embark on their healing journey through these actions.

As the workshops unravel, Thandiwe observes with quiet pride. Although each carries its own burdens, participants come together to openly discuss their mental health struggles. An atmosphere of hope and understanding fills the room as individuals of diverse backgrounds unite to pursue growth and healing.

Returning home each evening, Thandiwe shares her day’s stories with her family over a hearty meal. Their rich, in-depth, and understanding conversations foster a strong familial bond. Through these shared moments, Thandiwe instills in her children the importance of empathy and mental health awareness. Then, as the night deepens, Thandiwe retreats to her lush balcony, book in hand, allowing her thoughts to roam beneath the starlit sky.

Thandiwe nurtures a dream for the future: earning a master’s degree in mental health care and founding a community mental health center. As dusk cloaks another fulfilled day, she pauses to reflect on her journey, the victories, and the hurdles she’s overcome. Aware of the arduous path ahead, Thandiwe remains steadfast in her mission. Her unwavering determination and deep-rooted empathy propel her forward, knowing her endeavors ripple through her community, uplifting those in need.



Designing Futures

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