How Guaranteed Allocation & Refunds Work

A Step-by-Step Guide on our allocation logic and how to claim your refund when a raise oversubscribes

Future Venture
Published in
2 min readApr 15, 2022


When do you need to claim a refund?

Raises on Lithium operate with an oversubscription logic. This means that you can invest in a pool even after 100% of the total allocation size has been raised. We believe that this model is fairer than a first come, first served model, as investors should not be punished for not immediately participating once a pool opens or for being pushed out by investors with more capital.

If, for example, a pool fills 200% of its total allocation size, you as an investor will receive the following:
- up to half of your initial investment in terms of the invested project’s token*
- the remainder as a refund in USDC, claimable immediately after the pool closes

At Lithium, we believe it is important that every investor is guaranteed an allocation, every time.

*the higher your tier, the more of the project’s token you’ll actually receive

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: As you can see, the pool below oversubscribed by 500%. This means that you will receive up to 1/5 of your total investment in terms of the token of the project we invested in and the remainder in terms of a USDC refund.
Since you invested 50 USDC in this project, you receive a maximum of 50 x 4/5 = 40 USDC as a refund.
Hit Claim.

Step 2: A Claimed box will appear in the identical place we hit the Claim button. Meanwhile, your wallet will immediately reflect that you have successfully claimed your refund.

Wow, that was easy!

We suggest that you always claim your refunds as soon as a pool closes. This will avoid you having to go back to every pool to find if you are still owed a refund.

