Lithium Product Update

What We’ve Delivered this Week

Future Venture
Published in
4 min readDec 16, 2022


One of our key metrics at Lithium is the number of users who convert from viewing missions to participating in them. It’s all well and good having people window shopping (it is quite a sexy site after all) but the goal of any business is to have engaged, loyal users.

We call this first phase in the customer journey our activation rate. In this update we’re going to outline a few changes we’ve made to the sign-up process to make sign-ups quicker, slicker, and more enjoyable.

Twitter, Discord — Welcome to the Party

We all love ye old faithful MetaMask. She makes signing in with your web3 wallet a breeze. But we’re increasingly noticing that many potential Lithions aren’t that keen to connect their wallets to do activities that don’t require a wallet to complete. Allowing a website to access your wallet can feel like someone is stepping into your house. Although we’re a friendly bunch, we get it, sometimes you just don’t want any visitors. Then there’s scepticism compounded by thousands of bad actors in the space, plus MetaMasks generally does a poor job of explicitly and clearly telling you what permissions you are giving to sites that you’re connecting your wallet to.

This is one of the reasons why we decided that users can now sign up with Twitter and Discord. You’ll be able to complete missions and take part in the fun activities for projects and loads of other stuff (in the future), without ever having to connect your wallet. Only when it’s time to complete an on-task mission or claim rewards, or should you want to invest in a project, then you’ll be prompted to connect your wallet.

Seamlessly Add your Socials or Wallets, with Great Error Handling

When building this product we had to think of the edge cases. What if a Lithion tries to connect their Twitter account which is already associated with another account?

Here’s how it works:

  1. Lithion tries to add Twitter account to their account, which has their primary wallet, but said Twitter account already exists.
  2. Lithion can switch to the existing account and either delete or remove the Twitter handle.
  3. Lithions can log in to the original account and link the Twitter.
Discord accounts, Twitter accounts, and wallets can only be associated with a single Lithium account

New Email Task

It used to be the standard that new Lithions had to input their email address to gain access to missions. This was another unnecessary step that lowered the activation rate. Emails tasks are now a standalone task.

Introducing LithICONS

When we build products at Lithium we’re always thinking of how we can add that extra spice. How can we add something that makes potential Lithions think ‘yeah this is something I want to be a part of’.

We recently ran our Avatar contest using DALL-E2 contest to see what style profile picture people wanted on their Lithium account and the results were overwhelmingly in favour of these fellas:

Our Dalle-2 Competition Winners

Now, whenever someone creates an account, they get a unique piece of Lithion artwork, themed around these Daft Punk helmet-wearing, lab tube-rocking cyborgs!

Save your profile picture as a high-res image

We’ll do a deep dive into exactly how this works in another article. For now, just think of it as magic.

And that's it for this week. The Lithium development team will now be taking a well-deserved two-week holiday. We’ll come back refreshed, recharged and ready to deliver probably the biggest feature in Lithiums history…


Tom, Team Lithium x

