Lithium Product Update

What we’ve delivered this week…

Future Venture
Published in
3 min readApr 27, 2022


At Lithium, we release features and updates every week. It’s part of our culture to continuously release things that add value to the community.

While I think we do a pretty good job at communicating bigger releases and features, I think we can do better at giving you guys an insight into some of the smaller improvements and bug fixes.

This weekly update will be just that, an overview of a few of the updates we’ve delivered to you — the customer in the last 7 days.

Let’s take a look at how bashing keys has translated into real value this week!

🐞 Bug Fix — Different Values on Staking Connected v Disconnected

We had a critical bug that we posted about in the Telegram ANN Channel

Basically depending on whether your wallet was connected or not, you’d see different values for your max allocation for different tiers.

This issue has now been fixed.

🐞 Bug Fix —Claiming Didn’t Reset to Zero

There was a small but confusing UX issue where once you claimed the rewards in your wallets wouldn’t reset to zero — you’d have to refresh the page

This issue has now been fixed, once you claim the value will automatically show the true amount you have left to claim (0).

🌙 Dark Mode Changes

Initially, we setup the site so that the browser would default to your system setting. If you had light mode you’d see light, dark mode — dark. The thing is, we just bloody love dark mode.

We changed the setting so dark mode is the default, if you change it to light, the app will remember your setting and auto-load this setting next time you load Lithium.

🏦 Vesting Dashboard Markup

We’ve completed the front end ‘markup’ for the vesting dashboard. All we have to do now is plug it into the smart contracts, that have also been finished. This is called integration.

🍪 Remove Staking V1 from Toolbar

Keeping the app clean and minimal is a top priority for us detail obsessed product folk.

We’ve removed the ‘unstake from v1’ in the toolbar, you’ll still see the option in the footer and more importantly, if you still have tokens staked on v1, we’ll show this helpful message on the staking platform — we’re cool like that.

This reminds me, we still have like $200k $EBSC staked on the v1 platform — do y’all not like money?!

Would be curious to get your thoughts if this update was useful at all! Let me know


Tom, Team Lithium x

