Lithium x Chirpley Exclusive IDO Pre-Sale

How to participate in the exclusive Pre-Sale IDO

Future Venture
Published in
2 min readAug 8, 2022



  • Lithium is the only place to get the best price on the Chirpley raise.
  • Lithium will be raising the Chirpley IDO at the pre-sale price of $0.014 v $0.021 of other launchpads (50% cheaper).
  • The raise will start on 18th of August and run for 7 days.
  • Chirpley whitelisted addresses will have access to this sale.
  • LithiumPlus holders will have access to this sale.
  • Non-whitelisted addresses can still participate

Raise Details

The Chirpley Pre-sale IDO will take place on Lithium. The pre-sale IDO is different from other IDOs in that the price and vesting conditions are different, you can see the tokenomics here.

The Lithium Pre-sale IDO is the only place to get the best price on the Chirpley raise.

Raise Time: 18:00 UTC 18th August — 18:00 UTC 25th August

Raise Price: $0.014

Vesting: 18 months Linear, 2 month cliff


How To Pariticpate

Take a look below for details of how you can participate in the raise

Chirpley Whitelisted Addresses

If you have been whitelisted for the Chirpley pre-sale IDO you will be able to participate in the raise with no issues. You don’t need to hold Lithium tokens, you don’t need to go through any complicated on-boarding. Just follow the easy steps below.

  1. Visit the Chirpley raise page
  2. You’ll be able to see your max allocation of $7,500
  3. Input your allocation
  4. Checkout with fiat or USDC
  5. Claim your tokens via the Lihium vesting dashboard, when they are ready.

LithiumPlus Holders

If you are a Lithium plus holder you’ll be able to invest tax-free up to your plan allocation. You’ll then be able to invest over your tax-free amount with a tax rate of 20%.

  1. Visit the Chirpley raise page
  2. You’ll be able to see your max allocation of $7,500 and your tax-free allocation depending on your plan.
  3. Input your allocation
  4. Checkout with fiat or USDC
  5. Claim your tokens via the Lithium vesting dashboard, when they are ready.

Non-Whitelisted Investors

If you aren’t on the whitelist, or you don’t hold LithiumPlus, you can still invest in the raise. You will just pay a fee of 20%.

Please note this will take the price of your tokens from $0.014 to $0.0168, still significantly cheaper than the $0.021 IDO price on other launchpads.

  1. Visit the Chirpley raise page
  2. You’ll be able to see your max allocation of $7,500
  3. Input your allocation
  4. Checkout with fiat or USDC, and you’ll pay a 20% transaction charge in USDC
  5. Claim your tokens via the Lithium vesting dashboard, when they are ready.

